
A Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden and unexplained death of a seemingly healthy baby between the ages of one month and one-year-old. Even after a thorough investigation, there may not be a clear cause of death read more here...

A Parents Guide to Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children 

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic condition that impacts the large intestine, leading to alterations in bowel movements. While it doesn't result in physical damage to the intestine, it does produce uncomfortable symptoms that can greatly disrupt a child's daily routine read more here...

What Common Health Issues in Newborns

The arrival of a new baby is an exciting time for the whole family. Watching them develop and move through different milestones is always a fun time. However, there may be times when your baby has health issues, and this can be a source of worry for parents read more here...

What is Applied Behavior Analysis?

Discovering that your child has autism spectrum disorder can be an uncertain and anxious journey. During this time, you may find yourself grappling with questions about how to provide optimal care and support for your child as they navigate their developmental path read more here...

Drinking Alcohol While Pregnant

Discovering that you're pregnant and anticipating the arrival of a child is a joyful moment. It's a time filled with excitement as loved ones gather to celebrate the upcoming addition to the family.

Amidst this excitement, there's often conflicting information about whether it's safe to consume alcohol during pregnancy and what amount, if any, is considered safe. In this blog post, we aim to provide clarity by addressing all your inquiries regarding alcohol consumption during pregnancy read more here...

Important Social Skills for Children

Humans are social beings, and children learn how to communicate verbally and nonverbally with the people around them from a young age. It can be challenging to teach social skills to children. In their younger years, kids tend to be naturally egocentric, which can lead to problems playing, sharing, and cooperating read more here...

Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder in Kids

Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is a condition that affects how your child processes sensory information, including the things they see, hear, smell, touch, and taste. Kids with SPD will be overly sensitive to certain sensory information and, in some cases, not have much sensitivity at all. This can cause distress for your child and make it difficult to do specific actions read more here...

Ways to Improve to Cognitive Skills in Children

The moment your baby is born, their brain starts processing all the sensory information they receive all around them. All the things they see, hear, touch, and taste help them gain an understanding of the world read more here...

Pediatric Arrhythmia: Causes, Symptoms, Tratment

An arrhythmia is an abnormal rhythm of the heart that stops it from pumping blood around the body at a normal rate. It is often described as an irregular heartbeat, which means that a child’s heart can beat too quickly or too slowly, skip a beat, or even have an extra beat read more here...

Heat Stroke vs. Heat Exhaustion in Kids

The long summer months are great for spending time outdoors. Your kids love spending time outside playing games, swimming, or having picnics in the park. However, if your child spends too long in the sun without proper sun protection or doesn’t drink enough water, they are at increased risk of heat stroke or heat exhaustion read more here...

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition that affects a child’s ability to communicate and interact socially. It also impacts how they think, behave, and learn.

According to the CDC, 1 in 36 children in the USA are diagnosed with ASD yearly. It’s crucial to understand the key aspects of ASD, as early intervention and support can make a significant difference in a child’s life read more here...

Chickenpox: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention 

Although it is not as common as it was in the 1990s, parents today still need to be aware of the signs and symptoms of Chickenpox.

Keep reading to get all of the latest information on the causes, prevention, treatment, and symptoms of Chickenpox in the United States today read more here...

Vitamin C During Pregnancy: Safety, Dosage & Side effects

Taking care of yourself and your growing baby during the nine months of pregnancy is physically demanding. Ensuring you get all the vital nutrients your body needs during this time is essential.

One essential nutrient to pay attention to is Vitamin C. In this blog post, we’ll explore why Vitamin C matters during pregnancy, how much you need, its safety, potential side effects, and practical tips for incorporating it into your diet read more here...

Sunburn Treatment and Prevention

On warm summer days, kids love nothing more than playing outside or spending long days by the pool. However, those smiles can soon turn into tears if they get sunburned.

Children’s skin is susceptible to ultraviolet radiation (UV) from the sun, and the risk of sunburn increases when they spend long periods outside read more here...

5 Common Pediatric Digestive Disorders

A sore stomach and an odd bout of diarrhea are a normal part of growing up as your child’s body develops and becomes accustomed to new food groups. They may even have overindulged or need an urgent trip to the bathroom read more here...

Pediatric Lupus: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that requires the long-term use of medications to treat the symptoms. It is estimated that approximately 25,000 children and teens are currently living with lupus in the United States read more here...

Pneumonia: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

The symptoms of pneumonia can range from mild to severe, and parents should be aware of the signs in order to prevent the risk of serious illness in their children. Keep reading to learn more about the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of childhood pneumonia read more here...

Childhood Development Disorders

 There are a number of disorders that can affect your child’s growth and development. These disorders can cause everything from learning disabilities to speech delays.

Developmental disorders can take a toll on patients and their caregivers alike, making it important to seek early diagnosis and intervention read more here...

Peanut Allergy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment 

Food allergies are becoming an increasingly common issue that parents and children have to deal with. One of the most common — and most deadly — food allergies is an allergy to peanuts. We’ve compiled all of the information that parents need to know about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of peanut allergies as well as some steps on how to make life safer with an allergic child.

Autoimmune Disease: Symptoms, Causes, treatment

Autoimmune disorders affect an estimated 23 million Americans annually. Symptoms of an autoimmune disorder may begin in early adolescence or childhood. This article will briefly cover the basics of what to look for and how to treat these disorders read more here...

Constipation in Children

When your child is suffering from constipation, it can be a very painful and scary thing to watch your child experience. Constipation can affect children of any age, and the causes and treatments differ. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know to help a child who is suffering from constipation read more here...

Tooth Decay: Signs, Causes, Prevention

Parents of young kids often wonder, “What do I do if my child has tooth decay?” and “How can I prevent my child from developing cavities?”

Childhood tooth decay, also known as early childhood caries, can lead to serious complications like cavities, a need for extractions, gum disease, and even infections read more here...

Managing Sugar Levels in Children

If your child has diabetes, it can require a great deal of care and coordination between you and your child’s doctor to manage your child’s blood sugar levels and ensure that their diabetes is under control. This article will cover some helpful tips for parents and caregivers wanting to know more about managing sugar levels in children read more here...

COVID- 19 Vaccines During Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

It’s natural for parents to have concerns about a decision that affects not only them but their child. We’ll go over the most common questions that pregnant and nursing mothers may have about the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine read more here...

Signs of Learning Disabilities

More than 4 million children in the United States are affected by a learning disability, with many of them receiving specialized educational services from their local school district. If you suspect that your child may be experiencing difficulty learning, it is important to receive an accurate diagnosis so that they may begin receiving early interventional services and educational support. We’ve compiled a quick guide to some of the most common signs of learning disabilities below read more here...

Difference Between Cold vs Flu

It’s that time of year again! Many children get sick during cold and flu season, as common childhood illnesses begin to spread around the community. But how can parents tell the difference between the common cold and a more serious illness like the flu? Keep reading for our guide on the differences (and similarities) between these 2 common winter illnesses read more here...

Common Winter Illnesses in Children

Many childhood diseases increase in prevalence during the colder months. We’ve compiled a quick guide to the most common illnesses your child may encounter during the winter, their symptoms, and how to avoid them read more here...

Importance of Regular Dental Visits

Did you know that kids should be visiting the dentist regularly beginning as early as 12 months? Experts recommend that dental visits begin by age 1 or as soon as your child’s first tooth appears read more here...

High Fiber Foods for Kids

Fiber is an important part of every diet and has many benefits for kids and adults of all ages. But how much fiber should your child be consuming daily, and what are the best dietary sources of fiber? Check out our quick guide below, covering everything you need to know about high-fiber foods for kids read more here...

Healthy Meal Ideas for Toddler

A healthy diet for toddlers should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, protein, and healthy fat. As much as possible, avoid empty calories such as candy and soda, processed foods, added sugars, and saturated or trans fats. Keep reading for some healthy meal ideas your toddler will actually want to eat read more here...

Thyriod Disorders in Children

Thyroid disorders are a type of endocrine disorder affecting as many as 37 in 1,000 school-aged children in the United States. Keep reading for more information about thyroid disorders in children and the signs and symptoms that parents need to know read more here...

Behavioral Disorder Symptoms, Causes & Effects

Many kids suffer from behavioral challenges, and it can be difficult for parents to tell the difference between normal childhood behaviors and signs of an actual disorder. So how can parents know if a child’s behavior is due to an official diagnosis read more here...

Difference Between Spring Allergies & Coronavirus

Although there are many similarities between coronavirus and other common childhood illnesses such as the cold or the flu, there are also differences. COVID-19 can especially mimic the symptoms of allergies in kids. So how do you know if your child has COVID-19 or is simply suffering from common springtime allergies read more here...

Quick Exercises for Kids & Teens 

According to official CDC recommendations, kids and teens should get at least one hour of physical activity per day. In addition to individual and team sports, a regular routine of quick exercises that can be done daily at home will help contribute to your kids’ overall health read more here...

Athlete's Foot in Children

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection of the skin that causes an itchy and painful rash. It is fairly common in older children and teens who are active in youth sports. In fact, it is estimated that 70% of people will get an athlete’s foot infection at some point in their life. This infection can spread easily among groups and in environments like locker rooms and swimming pools read more here...

Kawasaki Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment 

Although it is a relatively rare disease that many people have not heard of until recently, Kawasaki disease is still a serious health concern that all parents should be aware of.

What is Kawasaki Disease?

Kawasaki disease primarily affects kids younger than 5 years of age. Contrary to popular belief, kids of all races can get Kawasaki disease, although it is more prevalent in those of Asian or East Asian descent read more here...

Toothbrushing Tips for Young Children 

Good habits begin at an early age. Oral hygiene is an important part of your child’s overall health, and it is crucial for parents to support the development of healthy habits in their kids.

Keep reading for toothbrushing tips for young children at every stage of childhood read more here...

Recommended Drinks for Children

It is vitally important for kids to stay hydrated, especially in the warm summer months. But it is also important that kids are drinking the right beverages that are nourishing and refreshing without being unhealthy. High amounts of sugar and other unhealthy ingredients can be harmful to your child’s teeth, temperament, behavior, and developing body.

Keep reading to learn more about which drinks to buy, which drinks to avoid, and how you can make sure your kids are getting the most out of their beverages read more here...

Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Kids

You may not realize that kids can suffer from a gastrointestinal disease such as inflammatory bowel disease. But teens and even young children are increasingly being diagnosed with this chronic condition read more here...

Common Skin Problems in Children

There are several common skin problems in children that can manifest throughout childhood. Many of these skin problems look the same and may need to be diagnosed by a doctor. Read on for all you need to know about the most common skin issues in kids and how to treat them read more here...

Oral Health Challenges for Children

As much as parents try to prevent them, there are a number of oral health concerns that can present in your young child. We’ve compiled a quick guide on some of the top oral health challenges for children and how to address them read more here...

Dehydration in Children: Signs, Treatment & Prevention

Dehydration in kids is a relatively common danger to watch out for, especially during the hot summer months. Dehydration is also a warning sign to look for when your child is seriously ill.

It is very important for parents to know the signs of dehydration in children, as well as how to prevent and treat it. Dehydration is a serious concern that often requires immediate attention, especially in infants and newborns read more here...

Are Plant-Based Diets Good for Children?

With plant-based diets and other alternative diets increasing in popularity, it is understandable that parents would have questions and concerns about what dietary restrictions may be right for their child.

There are many reasons why people may choose an alternative diet for their family — including morals, ethics, religion, concern for the environment, or health. No matter why you are considering a plant-based diet for your child, it is important to know the potential benefits and concerns read more here...

Ringworm: Treatment & Prevention in Children

Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin that causes an itchy and painful rash. It is more common in children and teenagers, especially those who are active in youth sports. Ringworm spreads easily among families or in damp environments like locker rooms and swimming pools read more here...

Childhood Nutrition Tips

The nutritional choices you make for your child will have a lasting impact on their diet and health for the rest of their lives. From the time they start eating solid foods, your child’s healthy diet should include a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, protein, and healthy fats. Developing kids need to eat a balanced diet to ensure that they receive the proper nutrition including vitamins and minerals needed for life read more here...

Asperger’s Syndrome in Children

Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) is a developmental disorder that is a part of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Every child is different, and no two children diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome have the same challenges, abilities, or delays. In general, kids with Asperger’s are considered to be on the “high-functioning” end of ASD. Like other kids on the spectrum, a diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome is more common in boys than in girls read more here...

Appendicitis in Kids

Appendicitis is an infection (or inflammation) of the appendix organ. It can be common in kids and teens between the ages of 5 and 20 years old but is rare in babies and children younger than the age of 5. The appendix is attached to the large intestine on the lower right side of the abdomen. Symptoms include extreme abdominal pain, and treatment typically involves surgery. Keep reading to learn more about appendicitis in kids read more here...

Whooping Cough in Kids

Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis (or B. pertussis). This common childhood illness can be especially risky for babies under the age of 12 months, who often need hospitalization for extra care. Keep reading for everything you need to know about whooping cough and its treatment read more here...

Benefits of Infant Massage

Infant massages offer a variety of benefits for both mother and baby. Spending time giving your baby a massage can help promote better digestion, improve sleep, encourage healthy brain development, and strengthen the bond between parent and child. Keep reading for more information on the benefits of infant massage and how to perform it read more here...

Fungal Infection in Kids

Pediatric fungal infections result from an imbalance in the natural flora of your child’s skin. Some degree of skin fungi is normal, especially in moist areas of the body, such as between the toes or in the diaper area. When a fungal infection occurs, your child’s skin may become irritated, and they can experience itching, swelling, scaling, or even blistering read more here...

Toddler Dental Care

Being proactive about your child’s oral hygiene from a young age is vital for their dental health throughout their lifetime. Dental care is a fact of life for all children, but parents may not be sure how to handle their child’s oral hygiene after that first baby tooth comes in. We’ve covered everything you need to know about toddler dental care in this quick guide read more here...

Preparing Your Child for New Sibling

Preparing your children for a new sibling can be a time of great emotional stress but also a great opportunity. Bringing home your new arrival will be a bit different when you have older children in the mix. Their thoughts, feelings, and behavioral changes must be considered. The best thing you can do is prepare your child ahead of time and remind them often of your love for them. Keep reading for more tips on how you can best encourage a healthy sibling bond read more here

Covid Testing for Kids

The options and procedures for obtaining COVID-19 testing for your child can seem confusing at first, but testing guidelines are relatively simple and uniform for all age groups. Keep reading to learn more about Covid testing for kids!

When To Get Tested?

COVID-19 testing is often required in order to get the “all-clear” for previously symptomatic children to go back to school. It is also commonly required for travel, to attend large events, and in the case of potential COVID-19 exposure read more here

Scoliosis in Children: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine curves to the side, forming what looks like the letter C or S. This condition is most common in children around the age of 10, often occurring during a child’s growth spurt.

Scoliosis rarely causes pain or discomfort in children, and most cases are mild. Parents should still understand how to care for a child with scoliosis and know the long-term complications it can cause read more here...