Coins Indo-Greek Dynasty

After death of Alexander in 323 BC, his generals, known as diadochi started fighting for his massive empire. Seleukos Nictator, a friend and general of Alexander proclaimed himself King of Persia,Bactria (Afghanistan) and Syria. He founded a dynasty named after him, widely known as Seleukid dynasty. He had his capital at Babylon and invaded India (modern Punjab, located in northern India and Pakistan) in 304 BC, which was then Muaryan empire ruled by Chandragupta Maurya. Chandragupta Maurya (Sandrocottus according to Greek Historians) put large army with 9000 war elephants on battle field! The sheer number of men and the battle elephants (Greeks were more worried of beasts than men) made Seleukos change his mind. Wisely, Seleukos concluded an alliance and gave his daughter in marriage to Chandragupta (Bhavishya Purana mentioned this union). He also transferred Kabul, Kandahar (modern Afghanistan) and Baluchistan (modern Pakistan) to Chandragupta. Chandragupta in turn presented him with 500 war elephants. Seleukos sent an ambassador named Magasthenes to Chandragupta's court, who repeatedly visited Patliputra (modern Patana in Bihar state), capital of Chandragupta. Magasthenes has written detailed description of India and Chandragupta's reign, which is perhaps the earliest description of ancient India by a foreign traveler. Seleukos minted Coins bearing his name which are rare gold staters and silver tetradrachms/drachms.

Seleukos I Nikator

312-281 BC. Silver Tetradrachm (17.19 g). Susa mint (modern Iran). Struck circa 296/5–281 BC. Obverse: Laureate head of Zeus Reverse: Athena, brandishing spear and shield, in biga of elephants right; above, Seleukid anchor to left; before elephants, monogram above bee. Reference: SC 177.1 (CNG specimen)Rare

In 281 BC Seleukos was assassinated but the kings who followed him maintained friendly relationship with mighty Mauryan emperors for some time (records exist that Antiochus II was in friendly terms with Chandragupta's son Bindusara). Seleucid empire disintegrated into Parthia (Arsaces as King), Syria (Antiochus I as king) and Bactria (Diodotus as king).

The portraits on all Indo-greeks coins are very realistic which express powerful features and minute personal details very clearly. This indicate that all the engravers were from same school of art and obviously very well familiar with Hellenistic art. Indian coinage is greatly influenced by coinage of Indo-Greeks. The policy of rulers to show their subject their true appearance was totally unknown in Indian subcontinent. The first Indian King who issued coins bearing his portrait was Saubhuti (Sophytes or Sopeithes according to Greek historians). Was he an `Indian' ruler or an Indo-Greek ruler who had assumed Indian name is debatable. However, if we were to assume he was a native ruler, then he can be considered as one of the first Indian ruler whose name and portrait appears on a coin. The reverse shows cock standing right. He ruled in Bactria or Punjab in 315-305 BC and minted Greek styled coins. His silver coins were greatly influenced by his contemporary Bactrian Greek ruler Seleucus Nictator.


280/78-270 BC. AR Tetradrachm (28mm, 16.98 g, 6h). Obverse:King wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with laurel wreath and wing on cheek piece Reverse: ΣΩΦΥΤΟΥ, cock standing right; kerykeion to leftReference: Bopearachchi, Sophytes 1 = Hirayama Extremely RareCNG Specimen:Triton XXII, Lot: 445

DIODOTOS I (255-235 BC)

Diodotos was a Seleucid governor of Bactria who seized the opportunity and declared himself king of Bactria (256 BC). He soon issued gold and copper coins bearing his portrait on obverse and Greek deities (prominently Zeus) on reverse. He is considered to be the first ruler of Indo-Greek dynasties which ruled north-western part of India, called Baktria or Bactria (modern Afghanistan and Pakistan). Shown below is his gold stater which came from a hoard found in India. Interestingly, most coins that were found in this hoard were having a `test mark' suggesting that these coins were NOT a legal tender in India, but mostly used as a bullion. Significantly, this stater is struck in the name of Antiochos II of Syria.

Diodotos I, (in the name of Antiochos II of Syria)

255-235 BC. Gold Stater (8.27 gm). Attic standard. Mint A (near Aï Khanoum). Obverse: Diademed head of Diodotos I Reverse: Zeus advancing left, holding thunderbolt in right hand, aegis draped over extended left arm, eagle at his feet standing left; N in left field. rare CNG Specimen

After death of last great Mauryan King, Ashoka, India was disintegrated into many small kingdoms, which provided great opportunity for Indo-Greek kings for eastern expansion of their kingdoms. Seleucid monarch, Antiochus III (223-187 BC) carried out the third Greek (first Greek invasion is considered to be by Alexander while second is by Seleucus) invasion of India in 206 BC. The first stop was the Kabul valley in Afghanistan, then ruled by Mauryan governor, Subhagsena or Subhashsena ( Sophagasenus according to Greek historians). Interestingly, the invasion did not escalate into a expected massive bloodshed but resulted into exchange of gifts and Antiochus withdrew from India. Subhagsena is listed in names of Mauryan princes and also Yadava dynasty as descendants of Pradyumana. Most Probably, he was a prince of ancient Vrishni vansha (claims descent from lord Krishna) and also related to Mauruyan dynasty. Possibly he was a grandson of Ashoka or Ashoka's son Kunala. Initially, he ruled as governor of Kabul valley from 206 BC but soon assumed independance on Shunga coup in 185 BC. After withdrawal of Antiochus from India, Euthydemos consolidated his realm in Bactria by re-oraganizing the currency and mints. Euthydemos died in 190 BC and succeded by his son Demetrius. Demetrius (190-171 BC) was the first Indo-Greek ruler who successfully brought most of the Afganistan, Punjab and Sindh under his control. He defeated Subhagsena, now king of Kabul and proudely took a title `King of Indians'. The descendants of Subhagsena did survive and went on to found state of zabul (or Gujni in Afghansistan) before retreating back to Indus/Punjab and are current Bhatti rulers of Jaisalmer princely state (modern Rajasthan).

The coins stuck by Euthydemus, Demetrius and Antimachus (weriearing kausia cap and half mocking smile) are purely Greek in style, in language and in weight. These coins are THE BEST example of art as applied to portraiture, anywhwere in the world. Such beautiful coins depicting lifelike portraits of these kings have no parallel in history. After so called `conquest of India', Demetrius minted coins showing himself wearing elephant's scalp which represent the excellent example of portrait coins of Indo-Greeks. Demetrius was followed by two of his generals, Apollodotus I and Menander who proclaimed themselves to be kings of this house. Both ruled in different regions of North Western India.

MENANADER (165-130 BC)

Menander is the only Yavana (person of Greek origin in Indian language) king who has become celebrated in ancient Indian literature. He is known as `Milinda' who had his capital at Sakala (modern Sialkot in Pakistan, Euthymedia in Greek). He one of the two leading characters of a Pali (ancient language of India) treatise Milindpanha (Questions of Milinda). This book describes fundamental principles of Buddhist philosophy which is narrated in form of a dialogue between King Milinda and Buddhist scholar Nagasena. Menander has earned considerable fame as a great ruler not only in India but also in Greek world. There is no doubt that he ruled over large area, his coins are copious and are found in all of modern Afghanistan, Pakistan and north western region of modern India.

The numismatic record of Menander is extraordinary; shows greater variety and wider distribution than those of any other Indo-Greek ruler. Shown above is a fine example of his coin minted at Taxila (Takshshila). This is a bilingual coin with interrupted legends. On obverse is king throwing Javelin, the legends are in Greek, King Soter Menander while reverse shows Pallas Athene facing left with sloping shield. The legends on reverse are in ancient Indian language Prakrit, written in Kharoshthi script, which reads Maharajasa tratasa Menandrasa (-of the king, saviour, Menander) .

Menander I Soter.

155-130 BC. Silver Drachm (2.47 g). Indian standard. Obverse: Diademed and draped bust right, wearing crested helmet adorned with bull’s horn and ear Reverse: Athena Alkidemos advancing left; monogram to right. Scarce


Another general of Demetrius who became king and minted beautiful coins. Shown above is very atteactive coin mintd by him which is square in shape. Before arrival of Indo-Greeks, local population of his newly acquired kingdom had been using rectangular/square shaped punch-marked coins for most transactions. Perhaps this fact had enfluenced him to issue square shaped, bilingual coinage which can be accepted readily by local merchants. Secondly, to keep up with Indian tradition of punching animals like Elephant and Bull on punch-marked coin, this coin also bear these two animals on the coin. The legends on reverse are in Prakrit, written in Kharoshthi script which reads Maharajasa tratarasa Apaladatasa(-of the king, saviour, Apollodotus ).

Apollodotus I

180-160 BCSilver drachmObverse: Elephant, Greek legendsReverse: Humped bull, Kharosthi legendsminted at TaxilaWeight: 2.38 gmReference: MIG#207h, MAC#1754 Scarce


Antialcidas Nikephoros is also known as Amtalikitasa was an Indo-Greek king with capital at Takshashila or Taxila (modern Punjab, now divided between India and Pakistan). Although, almost no record of Indo-Greek rulers have survived, Antialcidas is one of the few exception. He sent his ambassador, Heliodorus to the court of King Bhagabhadra, son of a princess of Kashi/Benaras, and ruled from Besnagar, located near Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh. As it turns out to be, Heliodorus is one of the earliest Westerner on record to convert to Vaishnavism (a branch of Hinduism), whose evidence has survived. He built/raised a stone column of almost 18 feet in height, in 113 BC, called as the Heliodorus pillar, which has survived. Significantly, it has clear Prakrit inscription written in Brahmi script, which reads `This Garuda-standard of Vasudeva, the god of gods/was constructed here by Heliodora (Heliodoros), the Bhagavata/son of Dion, a man of Takhkhasila/the Greek ambassador who came from the Great King/Amtalikita to King/Kasiputra Bhagabhadra, the Savior/prospering in fourteenth regnal year'.

This Garuda column dedicated to Lord Vishnu (Vasudeva), erected by Heliodorus is an important historical evidence of cultural exchange that took place between Greek and Indian rulers. This column has one of the rare surviving inscription written by foreign personality, giving insight into complex social and religious dynamics of that period.


king Antimachus claimed that he was a successor of Diodotus and thus belonged to house of Euthydemus. He ruled in lower Kabul Valley consisting of Jalalabad and Peshwar districts (part of modern Afganistan and Pakistan). He was succeded by Philoxenus and Diomedes who jointly ruled the western Indo-Greek kingdom from river Indus to Qunduz region of bactria.Their coins depicts king wearing flat cap (kausia) sitting on prancing horse. Philoxenus kingdom consited of Valley of Jhelum river. His coins are found only to the east of Jalalabad district. Philoxenus and Diomedes were succeded by two pairs of kings: Archebios, Peucolaus and Theophiles Nicias. Archebios and Peucolaus issued coins in Kabul valley and Koht in 80-60 BC while Theophiles and Nicias struck their coins in Gandhara. Shown above is fine example of coin minted by Philoxenus. On obverse is king throwing Javelin with his name below the portrait while on reverse is king mounted on prancing horse. This is another bilingual coin with Greek legends on obverse while Kharoshti legends Maharajasa apadihatasa Philasinasa on reverse.

NICIAS (80-60 BC)

Most likely Nicias was junior colleague of Theophilos who might have succeded to the kingdom of Gandhara. Coins of Nicias are found mostly in Jhelum valley (modern Pakistan). Shown above is a nice example of his coin which is bilingual. On obverse the legends are in Greek with his name at the bottom of portrait while reverse shows Pallas facing left with sloping shield. The legends on reverse are in Kharaoshti which reads `Maharajasa tratarasa Nikiasa'.


90-70 BCSilver tetradrachm Minted at Kapisa (modern Afghanistan)Weight: 12.72 gm MAC#2034Scarce


The kings of house of Eucratides ruled in the region south of Hidu Kush and upper Kabul valley (southern half of modern Afghanistan). Hermaeus belonged to this house and minted coins depicting Zeus enthroned. Hermaeus was the last Indo-Greek king. His kingdom was invaded successively by Shakas (Scythias), Pahalavas (parthians) and lastly by Kushanas. It is very likely that Indo-Greeks were followed by Pahalavas which in turn were replaced by Kushanas. Coins bearing last Yavana King Hermaeus and first Kushana ruler Kujula Kadphises are available indicating eventual passing of Kabul valley and whole of North east India to Kushana dynasty, the next suzerain power in ancient India.

Shown above is his coins portraying him on obverse. On reverse one can see Zeus enthroned. It is a bilingual coins with Greek legends on obverse while Kharoshti legends Maharajasa tratarasa Heramayasa on reverse.

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