Hayes Arboretum


Trail Description:

The trails sit on the ~350 acres of the Hayes Arboretum east property. The trail system consists of a Blue Trail , Yellow Trail, Orange Trail, and Red Trail that are progressively more challenging.

The full loop of the park is made up of four separate but connected trails. Each trail becomes progressively more difficult. From the trailhead, you begin on the Blue Trail and then transition to the Yellow Trail, Orange Trail, and Red Trail. The trails are clearly marked at turns and intersections.

If you haven't been out on the trails for a while, the park has recently completed a 3/4 of a mile extension to the Yellow Trail that includes bermed turns and elevation changes. We also recently added .3 of a mile to the Orange Trail. Last year, the park added the Red Trail to create a closed loop course with many features and 2 additional miles to the length.