DEC Recommended Practices
The DEC Recommended Practices (RPs) are a DEC initiative that bridges the gap between research and practice, offering guidance to parents and professionals who work with young children who have or are at risk for developmental delays or disabilities. The Recommended Practices were first developed by DEC in 1991 to provide guidance to the relatively new field of early intervention/early childhood special education. Through recent collaborative work with the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA), the practices have been revised and updated, and a new set of DEC Recommended Practices is now available.
DEC Personnel Preparation
The purpose of the Personnel Preparation Committee is to work in collaboration with and under the direction of the DEC Executive Office to complete projects and initiatives associated with preservice and in-service personnel preparation. The Committee facilitates discussions and interactions with other related stakeholders (such as Council for Exceptional Children and National Association for the Education of Young Children) in the training of individuals who work with young children with disabilities and their families. The Committee also creates policy documents and disseminates relevant information to support the preparation of a well-informed and well-developed Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education workforce.