Spotted Lanternfly 


Spotted Lanternfly is a major pest of concern across most of the United States. This insect is native to China and parts of India, Vietnam, Japan, and Taiwan. It was first identified as an invasive species in 2004 in South Korea and is now a major pest there. Spotted lanternfly was first detected in the United States in Pennsylvania in 2014.

In July 2021, a population of spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) was identified in Indiana in Switzerland County, near the Ohio River. A second population was found in Huntington, Indiana in July 2022. DEPP and USDA continue to conduct surveys to ascertain the extent and source of these infestations as well as determine what management strategies will be implemented.

Annette Hansen is the Executive Director of Izaak Walton League of America's Porter County Chapter

She also endeavors to see her community live better with nature. To achieve her Indiana Master Naturalist's title, she has started a campaign to bring awareness about the INVASIVE Spotted Lanternfly in America. "Citizens will have to work together to find them at any stage of development and eradicate them". Hansen's outreach included teaching K-8 students about the lanternfly; its invasive status, identification of all life stages, and disposal methods (through art, of course).

Hansen has also been spreading the word about the invasive Spotted Lanternfly during IWLA-Porter County Chapter's Family Nature Night program in Duneland Elementary Schools and at local tree-hugger events.

Annette collected used gift cards which she has upcycled into spotted lanternfly egg casing scrapers. She stickered them over with identification pictures and directions on dispatch of this invasive species. The cards will be handed off to "caretakers of the environment" that Annette meets in 2023, perhaps beyond. If you care to join her stomp team and get your free egg casing scraper, email Annette at

This is the information which is stickered on the cards to help guide citizens in keeping Spotted Lanternfly out of Indiana!


Stomp them at any stage, it's encouraged.

Egg Casings

Scrape them off with a strong plastic card, like a credit  card. Collect the casing and cover in hand sanitizer, seal and dispose.

REPORT to Indiana DNR; Call 866-No Exotic

866-663-9684 or email
Give your name, phone number and details of your Spotted Lanternfly encounter.