Two techniques can be used to quantify the amount of bacteria present in a culture and plot a growth curve. The first of these is via colony forming units, or CFUs. To obtain CFUs a one to ten series of nine dilutions is performed at regular time points. The first of these dilutions, negative one in this example, contains 9mL of PBS and 1mL of the bacterial culture. Resulting in a 1:10 dilution factor. Then, 1mL of this solution is transferred to the next tube, negative two, resulting in a 1:100 dilution factor. This process continues through the last tube, negative nine, resulting in a final dilution factor of 1:1 billion. After this, 100 microliters of each dilution is plated. The plates are then incubated and the clonal colonies are counted. The dilution plate for a given time point that grows between 30 and 300 colonies is used to calculate the CFUs per milliliter for that time point.

To set up the 1:1000 volume of bacterial culture that will be used in the growth curve, first obtain an autoclaved 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Then, use a 50 mL serological pipette to transfer 100 mL of sterile media to the flask. Next, label nine 15 ml test tubes consecutively as one through nine. These numbers correspond to the dilution factor that will be used to calculate the colony forming unit, or CFU. Then, add 9 mL of 1X PBS to each tube. After this, label the prepared agar plates with the corresponding time points and dilution factors that will be grown. In this example with E. coli, after the starting time point, time points are taken once every hour. Using the previously prepared overnight liquid E. coli culture, inoculate the media in the autoclave 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask with 1:1000 volume of culture. Swirl the media to evenly distribute the bacteria.

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To obtain the colony forming unit measurement for each time point, withdraw an additional 1 mL of bacterial culture from the flask at each time point. Dispense the bacterial culture into the negative one test tube and vortex to mix. Then, perform the dilution series by first transferring 1 mL from the negative one tube into the negative two tube and vortex to mix. Transfer 1 mL from the negative two tube into the negative three tube and vortex to mix. Continue this serial transfer down all the dilution tubes to the negative nine tube. Dispense 100 microliters of cell suspension onto the correspondingly labeled plate for each dilution. For every dilution, sterilize a cell spreader in ethanol, pass it through a Bunsen burner flame, and cool it by touching the surface of the agar away from the inoculate. Then, use the cell spreader to spread the cell suspension until the surface of the agar plate becomes dry. Incubate the plates upside down at 37 degrees Celsius. Once visible colonies arise, count the number of bacterial colonies on each plate. Record these values and their associated dilution factors for each plate at each time point.

To create an OD 600 growth curve, after ensuring all the data points are entered correctly into a table, select all of the time points and their corresponding data. To generate a colony forming unit growth curve plot, choose the dilution plate where the colony counts fell within the range 30 to 300 bacteria for each time point. Multiply the colony count number by the dilution factor, and then by ten. This is because the 100 microliters spread is considered an additional 1:10 dilution when calculating colony forming units per milliliter. After this, plot the colony forming units versus time on a semi-log scale.

These plots produced with OD 600 and CFU measurements, respectively, can provide valuable information on E. coli growth kinetics. The optical density and colony forming units can be related, so that CFUs per milliliter can be estimated from OD 600 measurements, saving time and materials in future experiments.

To do this, plot the colony forming units against the optical density on a linear scale for OD 600 readings less than or equal to 1. 0. After this, generate a linear regression trend line in Y = MX + B format, where M is the slope and B is the y-intercept. Right click on the data points and select add trend line and linear. Then, check the box to display the equation on the chart and display the R squared value on the chart. The R squared value is the statistical measurement of how closely the data matched the fitted regression line. In this example, the first 6 time points are plotted with OD 600 on the x axis and CFUs per milliliter on the y axis. In future experiments with the same growth conditions, these slope and y-intercept values can be plugged into this equation to estimate CFUs from OD 600 readings. Next, look at the colony forming unit growth curve plot. During the exponential phase, identify two time points with the steepest slope between them. To calculate the doubling time, first calculate the change in time between the selected time points. Then, calculate the change in generations using the equation shown here. Here, lower case b is the number of bacteria at time point three and upper case B is the number of bacteria at time point two. Finally, divide the change in time by the change in generations. In this example, the doubling time is 0. 26 hours or 15 minutes and 19 seconds. Comparing doubling times across different experimental treatment allows us to identify the best growth conditions for a certain bacterial species. Therefore, the treatment with the lowest doubling time will be most optimal of the conditions tested. 589ccfa754

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