
Target Audience

There are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. We strongly encourage the participation of:

              • All STEM students (eg: Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science) who have interests in machine learning and AI applied to cyber security and/or agriculture. You are advised to come along with your personal computer for practicals and hackathons.

              • All industry professionals desiring to either know the potentiality of AI and Machine Learning for themselves or have a more in-depth understanding of these subjects.

              • There will be a poster session, please send your poster and abstract to before the 10th of November 2021. Find here some examples of poster templates.

Registration is free.

Note: If you are a start-up or a business with activities related to the field of AI and Machine Learning, contact us directly by email.

Requirements and Prerequisites

No deep or previous knowledge of Machine Learning is required, but the attendants are assumed to have some basic background in linear algebra and programming. A review of basic concepts programming (python) and an introduction to the necessary tools for implementation of machine learning algorithms using python will be given on the practical hands-on tutorial. We shall consider a beginner level.

Application Deadline: 10 November 2021.

Application link: here

Conference Venue:

  • ZOOM (Link will be sent to applicants a few hours before the conference)

  • University of Dschang

  • National Advanced School of Engineering, YaoundĂ©