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I'll get this down before the next film comes out. First I'd like to get down that I think Jack-Jack is just having what all/a lot of super power baby's have where they go through a load of powers before their body settles on their actual power. This post kinda sums it up quite well.

So you might think that we have no real way to know what his power will be but... Helen and/or Bob have done a rather good job in naming their children with names relevant to their powers. So assuming Violet didn't come out invisible, Dash come out buzzing, Jack-Jack will have a power relevant to his name. I'd put my money on something like self-duplication.

Your thoughts?

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The way you used the last scene from tag_hash_107___________ at the end of the movie is really jarring: showing a memorable cinematic image of America's pastime during a voiceover explaining how America's political system is failing us. It's a funny thing and we debated a lot about it. It's kind of a coda to the film but The Natural, as written by Bernard Malamud, is a story of corruption. There's a happier ending in the Robert Redford version, but when [So Damn Much Money author] Bob Kaiser says, "The national pastime is not baseball, it's making money," that seemed like a grand visual metaphor for this idea that all of us think that we're going to be wealthy some day. The sparks coming down on the ground are like pennies from heaven until you realize that it's all kind of a dupe; you see those fans cheering in the stadium and it's like we're all being duped. So there's something fundamental about that spectacle we all believe in. We all believe in the American Dream - that's [Redford's character] Roy Hobbs, the American Dream - but in fact the American Dream at times can be a con because we don't want to ever say to the people in power, "You are abusing that power." And that's because we imagine we're going to be in power someday and we don't want anyone to put checks and balances on us.

Madeleine: We are going to walk from Southampton to Winchester alongside the river Itchen. It is about 12 miles long in total. I am looking forward to it as it is helping to raise lots of money for Alopecia UK and I've never walked that far before so I want to see if I get tired out.

We are sure you will agree that Emily and Madeleine are putting in an incredible effort this September to raise much-needed awareness and funds for Alopecia UK. If you would like to support either Emily or Madeleine (or both!), you can find their JustGiving pages below. 

President Bush Thanks America's Workers at Labor Day Picnic

Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship Center

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  


President's Remarks


 listen 2:35 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Well, I thank you very much for this warm welcome.Thanks for inviting me. If I speak too long, it's going to remind meof Crawford. (Laughter.) But I appreciate you all coming. I love tosee your families. I'm here to talk about the greatness of this country. And itstarts with the fact that we've got great Americans who work hard tomake a living to put food on the table. Our workers are the mostproductive, the hardest working, the best craftsmen in the world. AndI'm here to thank all those who work hard to make a living here inAmerica. (Applause.) I also want to talk today about how to make sureour country is safer, our country is stronger, and our country is abetter place for everybody. But before I do so, I want to thank Doug. I appreciate hisleadership. I appreciate his vision. But most of all I appreciate thefact that Doug McCarron cares deeply, deeply about the members of hisunion. Each person in this union matters to Doug. You can tell itwhen you talk to him, and I've had a chance to talk to him quite alot. He is a fine, fine man, who cares deeply about people and wholoves his country just as much as I do. Doug, thank you for yourleadership, and thank you for your friendship. (Applause.) I, too, want to thank Jack Brooks. I've had the honor of meetingJack before. He's a decent, kind, smart, hardworking fellow. And Iappreciate Jack's leadership as much as you do. I want to thank RayVogel, as well, for giving me a tour of the training center here. Oneof the things that distinguishes this union is that they understandthrough training, somebody is going to get better pay. If you help aman or a woman enhance their skills, it's going to enhance theirpocketbook. And I appreciate so very much the attention that thisunion pays to the skill level of its members. So I want to thank Jackand Ray for helping set this picnic up, and giving me a chance to comeby and talk to you all. I also appreciate the Secretary of Labor being here. Elaine Chaois doing a fine job. Her door is open. People are able to come in andvisit with her. She's a good, honest and open person. And Iappreciate her service to the country. (Applause.) I want to thank your Governor, Mark Schweiker, your SecretaryGeneral Mike Fisher, your Allegheny County Executive Jim Roddey, andthe Mayor of Pittsburgh Tim Murphy. Thank you all for coming.(Applause.) The Mayor has got a lot of spunk -- he challenged me to athree-mile run. (Laughter.) I said, fine, see you in Crawford at 4:00p.m. in the afternoon in August. (Laughter.) I do appreciate Melissa Hart and Phil English coming, members ofthe United States Congress -- thank you all for being here.(Applause.) I had the honor of meeting a lady named Doris Harris today. Whereare you, Doris? Thank you for coming. (Applause.) You see, thereason I introduced Doris is because she volunteers her time to helppeople in need. Doris knows that when somebody is shut in, they'realone and lonely. And so she takes time to visit homebound seniors, tosay, I love you, what can I do to help you? Doris is a member -- is asoldier in the army of compassion here in America. And the reason Ibring that up is because there are soldiers in the armies of compassionhere amongst you, as well. I want to thank Doris, and I want to thankyou all for doing everything you can to bring love and compassion tothe neighborhoods in which you live. It's the true strength of the --America. (Applause.) You know, Doug mentioned a year ago, Labor Day -- I was inWisconsin talking to carpenters. I said that we were a nation that'sstrong because our people are strong. See, we're a great nationbecause we've got great people. (Applause.) I said, we're a decentnation because our people are decent. I didn't realize when I said that at the time, how tested we wouldbe. But a couple of days later, the enemy hit us, and they tested thecharacter of this country. They tested our will. They tested our veryfiber. I don't know what was going through their mind when theyattacked us. (Laughter.) They must have thought we were somaterialistic, so self-absorbed, so selfish, that all we would do isshrug our shoulders and file a lawsuit maybe. They didn't understandthe America we know. (Applause.) No, they hit us, and we united. They hit us, and we're now workingtogether as a nation, to make the nation a safer place, a strong placeand a better place. My most important job is to keep our familiessafe. That's my most important job now. I want you to know thatthere's still an enemy out there that hates America. I'm sure yourkids, they're wondering, why would you hate America? We didn't doanything to anybody. Well, they hate America because we love freedom.(Applause.) We cherish our freedoms. We value our freedoms. We love the factthat people can worship an almighty God in a free land, any way theychoose to worship. (Applause.) We value the idea of people speakingtheir mind freely here in America. We value a free press; we value ourfreedoms. But most importantly, we say each life matters. Everybodycounts, everybody has got purpose, everybody is important in life.(Applause.) And the enemy doesn't view it that way. They don't view it that --they don't value life. See, they've hijacked a great religion andthey're willing to kill innocent people in the name of their sordidattitude about the future. And so, so long as we love freedom, whichwe'll do forever, and so long as this enemy is -- still stand, they'regoing to come and try to get us. That's just the reality that weface. And so, therefore, our biggest job is to protect the homeland. And there are a lot of good people working hard to do so, therereally are. A lot of fine folks in Washington at the federal level,and here in Pennsylvania at the state level, and at the local level inPittsburgh, doing everything they can to run down every lead, to chasedown every idea, to hold people to account, to disrupt. And we'remaking some pretty good progress. But I've asked the Congress to joinme in creating a new homeland security department. And the reason Idid is because I want to be able to come and, when I see the people,say our most important priority is to protect America, and therefore, Iwant all agencies involved with protecting America under one umbrella.See, if you want to most important thing to be done, you've got togather up over 100 agencies that have got something to do with homelandsecurity and put them under one boss, put them under one lead, so youcan not only change the priorities, but change the culture. I'll give you one example. We need to know who's coming intoAmerica, what they're bringing into America, and whether or not they'releaving America when they say they are. (Applause.) But, see, on yourborder, you've got your INS and your Customs and your Border Patrol,three different agencies. And they've got different cultures. And weneed to have them under one umbrella, so we can do a better job ofassuring the American people we're doing their job. Look, anybody whowants to join a union can do so in this crowd, with the homelandsecurity department. I mean, if you're a whistle-blower, you'll getprotections. You'll have all the rights to be free to join. But Ineed the flexibility to put the right people at the right place at theright time to protect the American people. And the Senate better getit right. (Applause.) No, we're doing everything we can. A lot of people are workinghard, but the best way to secure our homeland for the long run is tohunt these killers down, one person at a time, and bring them tojustice. And that's what America is going to do. (Applause.) And that's how you ultimately make America a safer place. Forthose of you who have got relatives in the military, you need to proudof the job they're doing -- I sure am. (Applause.) It's a differentkind of war. In the old days, you could count tanks and figure out howstrong the enemy was. This is an enemy that hides in caves. They tryto find the darkest cave, the deepest cave, and then they sendyoungsters to their suicidal deaths. It's a different kind of haterthan we're used to. But my attitude is, there's no cave deep enough and dark enough tohide from the long arm of justice of the United States and our friendsand allies. And that's exactly what we're going to do, folks. Itdoesn't matter how long it takes. You see, they put the spotlight onus, and we're going to find out what we're made out of, and so arethey. And what we're made out of is, we're freedom-loving people whoare plenty tough and plenty determined to make sure the future for ourchildren is a future that is free and peaceful. (Applause.) And that's why I want to strengthen the military. Any time you puta soldier in harm's way, they deserve the best pay, the best trainingand the best possible equipment. (Applause.) So a stronger America tome means a stronger military. And that's why I've submitted thebiggest increase in defense spending since the mid-'80s, when RonaldReagan was the President. I wanted to send a message. The message is,we'll take care of our people. See, we owe it not only to those whowear the uniform, we owe it to their loved ones, as well. We owe it tothe husbands and wives of our soldiers. We owe it to the moms anddads; we owe it to the sons and daughters. But I also wanted to send a message to the enemy, and our friends,that we're in this deal for the long haul. See. When it comes todefending that which we hold dear to our hearts, we're in it for thelong pull. I've asked Congress to get that bill to my desk soon. Theydon't need to be playing politics with the defense bill. (Applause.)They don't need to hold it up for other reasons, they need to get home-- come from their homes, they need to get to Washington and get me abill as soon as possible, so we can win this war and fight this war.That's what -- we owe it to those who wear the uniform to get thedefense bill done early. (Applause.) And part of making sure we have a strong America is to understandthere are some people who want to find work and can't find work, andtherefore, we're not as strong as we should be. A strong America isone where there's economic security. See, we want people working. Iknow the statistics and all that business. What I worry about is whenI hear the stories of people who can't find work. And so we've got tomake sure that we continue to focus on jobs, and job creation, and jobgrowth. I think the ingredients are pretty good. I mean, when you thinkabout it, interest rates are low -- that's good. Inflation is low, andthat's positive. Productivity is up, because we've got the bestworkers in the world, and that's important. (Applause.) So I'mencouraged about job growth, but I'm not satisfied. And neither shouldyou be, and neither should the United States Congress. And there aresome practical ways that we can build on this foundation for growth,starting with getting a terrorism insurance bill out of the UnitedStates Congress. Let me tell you what that means. That means some of these bigconstruction programs can go forward. See, a lot of them, they've beendelayed because they can't get insurance. They can't get insurancebecause of what the terrorists did to America on September the 11th.So Doug and I and a lot of other concerned citizens have been workingwith Congress. We said, okay, that's fine, we'll take some of the riskto get these big construction projects moving. There's been over $8 billion worth of projects that have beendelayed because they can't get insurance. That means 300,000 workersaren't working. You see, if we want to do something to make sure thejob base continues, Congress needs to get moving on a terrorisminsurance bill. (Applause.) And this bill has got to be good for hard-hats, not lawyers.(Applause.) This bill -- we get this bill, a lot of folks are going togo back to work. And the same with the energy bill. See, the energybill that we're talking about is a jobs bill. You get the energy bill,we're going to get more jobs here in America. It's also a nationalsecurity bill. See, we don't -- the less we import oil from foreignsources, the more our national security is strong. (Applause.) And sowe want to make sure that we conserve more, that we use ourtechnologies to develop renewable sources of energy -- that makessense, we can do that. We can do a better job of exploringenvironmentally. But we need a bill -- we need a bill, we need a billon behalf of the American workers, and we need a bill on behalf of thenational security of America. Congress needs to quit talking aboutenergy, and get back to work and do something on behalf of the Americanpeople when it comes to energy. (Applause.) In order to get confidence back in the economy, we've got to do agood job of making America's pensions strong. You see, one of thethings that we did, we passed a -- part of this corporate reform bill,one of the things we passed which made a lot of sense is that if theboss gets to sell, everybody else does. What's good for the headperson is good for the people on the shop floor. We also allow peopleto diversify out of their 401(k)s. You ought not to be stuck in onestock forever. After a reasonable period of time, you ought to be ableto diversify. You need to get the best investment advice. We need tomake sure our workers are protected when it comes to pension reform.And the Congress needs to act on it. For the good of the economy, theyneed to act on this, just like they acted on corporate reform. And now it's my turn to act. Let me tell you what's going tohappen. If we catch somebody cooking the books, like we have beendoing, it's no more easy money, it's just hard time. (Applause.) Byfar, the vast majority of our fellow citizens are honest and decent andhonorable people; they just are. But a few have created a -- put a badname out there. They've created a sense of -- lack of -- they diminishthe confidence of the American people. We're putting those days behindus. We had Republicans and Democrats work together to pass the mostcomprehensive corporate reform since Franklin Roosevelt was thePresident. I put together a task force, and I want to assure you, myfellow Americans, here on Labor Day, that if we catch them cooking thebooks, if we catch them fudging the numbers, if we catch people tryingto put a sleight of hand to the detriment of employees and shareholdersalike, there are going to be serious consequences here in America. Weexpect people to behave responsibly in our society. (Applause.) And finally, in order to make sure the economy continues to growand there's jobs, we've got to be wise about how you spend your money.See, every idea sounds like a good idea up there. Everybody throwssomething out there and it sounds like a brilliant idea. But theyalways cost in the billions, it seems like. One way I like to remindCongress about how to be fiscally responsible is to remind them whosemoney they're spending. It's not the government's money they spend,it's your money. It's the people's money. (Applause.) No, we can meet our needs. We can meet our needs. And by the way,we can make that tax relief a permanent part of the tax code. You needto have more money in your pocket as far as I'm concerned.(Applause.) No, those are ways to make America a stronger place bycontinuing to focus on the economic security of all our citizens --every citizen. And we've got to make sure that America is not only safer andstronger, but a better place -- a better place. And there are ways todo that. One, America will be a better place when our seniors have gotprescription drugs as a part of Medicare. (Applause.) That's a bettercountry, a country that understands that Medicare serves an importantpurpose. Medicine has changed; Medicare hasn't. And therefore, ourseniors don't have prescription drugs. It will be a better countrywhen we do that. It's a better country when we focus on educating every child --not just a few children, but every single child. (Applause.) I wantto thank the teachers who are here. (Applause.) I can tell. Butremember, if you're a mom or a dad, you're a teacher. (Applause.) We're a better country when we help people get off welfare byfinding them work. We're a better country when people learn to work.(Applause.) This training center here makes us a better country. It'sa better country when you've got people who are willing to help peoplehelp themselves. It's a better country. It's a better country whenpeople can own their own homes. When you own something, it makesAmerica a better place. We've got a minority gap in ownership here forhomes in America. We need to do something about it. We need to closethat gap. We need to help people with down payments. We need to getsome -- we need to get more capital into the marketplace, so people canfind ways to borrow money to build -- to buy their own home. No, it's a -- the goal is more than just a safer country, it's abetter place for all of us, see. I mean for all of us. You know, theenemy didn't realize, but out of the evil is going to come someincredible good here in America. I truly believe that, I believethat. (Applause.) I believe that we can achieve peace. And I want you to tell yoursons and daughters that we fight for our freedom in order for there tobe peace, for the world to be more peaceful -- not only here at home,but for children all across the world. See, we value each human lifeas important. We don't try to distinguish, everybody has got worth inthe eyes of the Almighty, as far as we're concerned in this nation.(Applause.) But peace is our goal. Peace -- there's going to be some steephills to climb, no question about it, but we're going to work hard toachieve peace. Out of the evil done by these killers will come peace,we think -- I think. We have to be tough and determined and resolute,but we can achieve peace. And at home, we can have a better America. People say, well, whatcan I do to help. You can love your neighbor just like you'd like tobe loved yourself. (Applause.) You can help a neighbor in need. Youcan go to a shut-in and say, I love you. That's just a part of being-- a part of loving your neighbor. You can mentor a child. You canunderstand your most important responsibility, if you're a mom or adad, is to love your children with all your heart and all your soul.You should tell them you love them every single day. Put your armaround them. Find somebody who hurts, understand there's deep addictionand hopelessness in parts of our neighborhoods in America. And we canhelp change that, one person at a time. See government, can hand out money -- pretty good at it --(laughter) -- but it can't put hope into people's hearts. It can't puta sense of purpose in people's lives. Somebody said, well, I can't doeverything. No, but you can do something. You can do something. See,we can change America, one heart, one soul, one conscience at a time. And I call upon our fellow Americans, here on Labor Day, to be apart of that change in America. Be a part of the gathering momentum ofmillions of acts of kindness and decency which show the true face andcharacter of the greatest nation, the greatest nation on the face ofthe Earth. (Applause.) God bless you all. God bless. God bless America. Thank you all.(Applause.) END 2:58 P.M. Printer-Friendly Version Email this page to a friend IssuesBudget ManagementEducationEnergyHealth CareHomeland SecurityHurricane RecoveryImmigrationJobs & EconomyMedicareNational SecurityPandemic FluPatriot ActRenewal in IraqSocial SecurityMore Issues 006ab0faaa

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