About Interact

We are an experienced international team who are passionate about cooperation.

Cooperation can be complex; our job is to make it easier.

We ensure the exchange of experience, information and innovation in order to promote best practice and make cooperation easier. We achieve this through targeted events, publications and tools.

Our services (Interact III) are targeted at cooperation programmes under the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) objective of Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 - known as Interreg. These programmes jointly tackle common challenges and find shared solutions in fields such as health, environment, research, education, transport, sustainable energy and more.

Interact IV was launched on 1 December 2022 and is operational in the  2021-2027 period. This way, Interact continues to support Interreg in the 2021-2027 programming period. You can find more information about Interact IV on this page.

Our work covers the Member States of the European Union, as well as Norway and Switzerland. We also support programmes in pre-accession and European Neighbourhood countries. We are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

We are a decentralised organisation with a horizontal team structure. Our Managing Authority and Interact Secretariat are based in Bratislava. We also have four Interact offices in Turku (Finland), Valencia (Spain), Viborg (Denmark) and Vienna (Austria).

Interact has become a key organisation that plays an important role in Interreg, in cooperation between EU Member States and EU regions, and along the external borders of the EU. Cooperation is at the heart of all we do. We work continuously and with determination to make cooperation more streamlined, because we believe in it. Which is why our slogan for the 2014-2020 programming period is cooperation works.

‘A more social Europe’ community

As part of its work, Interact established in 2016 the Inclusive Growth thematic network, which is addressed to the Interreg community, thematic experts, stakeholders and other EU co-funding programmes that are interested in working on several matters, such as employment and self-employment, labour mobility, social inclusion, improving professional skills and lifelong learning. 

The Inclusive Growth network has evolved towards 'A more social Europe', a well-established community focusing on making available relevant data, facilitating the exchange of practices and gaining knowledge about the current experiences and themes, with the aim to support a common Interreg response to the policy objective with the same name: A more social Europe.