IMVU (/mvju/, stylized as imvu)[2] is an online virtual world and social networking site. IMVU was founded in 2004 and was originally backed by venture investors Menlo Ventures, AllegisCyber Capital, Bridgescale Partners, and Best Buy Capital.[3][4] IMVU members use 3D avatars to meet new people, chat, create, and play games.[5] In 2014, IMVU had approximately six million active players,[4] and had the largest virtual goods catalog[6] of more than 6 million items as of 2011.[4] The business was previously located in Mountain View, California.[7] It was known as one of the leading practitioners of the lean startup approach.[8]

This is a long story, but I will try to give the short version. I was in an rp imvu relationship (biker rp) for a few months with this guy. We kept it on imvu mostly but we did eventually exchange skype info. We never cammed, but we did voice chat a few times and I fell in love with him. We got married on imvu and even had a child there. And for me, thats a funny thing because I was always one of those people who thought marriage and kids was a silly thing to do on imvu (I was mostly there for djing until I met him). I didnt mean to, but I really did fall in love with him and he would tell me everyday all these sweet things and how much he loved me. Then one day on skype he was acting weird and finally confessed to me that he was lying to me. He said he really did not love me, he thought I'm a great girl and he cares about me but not love. He said he didnt want to hurt me so he just pretended to love me because he felt heartless to reject me. Smh.

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To make a long story short, his best friend told me that he confessed to her that he's in love with her (told her this a few weeks before and she was just watching us feeling sorry for me knowing he wasnt really in love with me). So it went back and forth this way, him telling me that's not true that he doestn love her and her telling me different. I was really hurt because without knowing it I had given him my heart. So I decided to leave imvu. Of course everybody was trying to talk me out of it. I stayed away for 3 days and then one of my friends who kept nagging at me finally got me to come back. She said, dont do anymore rp, just dj and have fun with your friends and forget about him. So I 'divorced' him and tried to do what my friend said. After lots of tears and anger me and him finally had a talk which led to some 'rp sex' causing me to get my hopes up thinking that maybe he wanted to get back together. Instead, he avoided me for 2 days and then suddenly put 'seeing someone' on his profile with another girls name there. A girl I had never even seen before. She joined his rp and changed her last name to his. That was it for me, I just broke down. I put up a message telling everyone that I was going to quit and disable my account.

Of course everyone freaked out trying to talk me out of it. He suddenly came into one of my rooms begging me to stay. I was honest with him and told him I was in love with him and its too hard for me to see him everyday. He tried to convince me to give him my account and let him take care of it until I decide to come back but in the end I really did disable it. People were sending me messages everyday saying its not the same without me and then suddenly I got an email from imvu saying that I could get my account back if I click on this link. One of my close friends on imvu told me that her account got hacked and she couldn't see her boyfriend on there. So suddenly I got the idea to click the link and get my account back and give it to her. I had an alt account lying around somewhere and she convinced me to get on it and hang out with her one day to play music. Nobody else knew who I was so I was able to hide on it, but being on that account I cound not stop the urge to look at my ex's profile, which only set me back and brought back the anger and the hurt. So I came up with this idea to pretend I was seeing someone else to make him jealous. I got my account back from my friend (later she admitted that her account wasn't hacked, she just wanted to get me to come back) and I changed my profile putting that I was seeing someone. Of course everyone was happy I was back and I resumed djing with friends. But then 3 days back in the game, I just realized to myself that I didnt want to do this anymore. I didnt' want to pretend I was ok and live this fake life anymore. The truth is I had fallen in love with this guy who I would never have irl (he was from another country). He had made it clear to me that he didnt' love me; the one thing I knew was that he liked me a little and liked having rp sex, but he was so quick to get someone new...I was tired of being angry and paranoid and hopeful and sad all wrapped in one. I decided to focus on rl and find someone irl.

Before I fell in love with him I was the type of person who thought imvu relationships were silly and that I woud never fall in love on imvu. Well I was trapped with all these feelings, seeing him on skype and imvu was so hard. So about 3 days ago, this time without telling anyone, I gave my account away to a trusted friend. He changed the password and I toldhim he coud do whatever he wanted with it. I disabled my alt account as well. Being away from imvu has helped me and each day that I'm away I feel stronger, but there is still a part of me that feels sad whenever my ex messages me on skype. I find myself wondering if he ever really felt anything for me besides occasional jealousy and some lust. But actions speak louder than words and I know obsessing over him wont help anything. He is still there in that rp world, and I dont want any part of it. I want to focus on real. I'm proud of myself for leaving, but now I'm just trying to forget this guy and get some self-respect. Sorry for the long ramble x.x

I connected with some rl friends I had neglected before and that felt really good. It's weird how so much time has passed since I've started playing this game. It's like I pushed everyone from my rl out and just focused on my virtual life. Two years of my life wasted, spending my own money making my avatar look good, and for what? I have nothing to show for it in real life. The better my virtual life got, the worse my real life was. I let myself go physically, sitting in front of my computer for hours not even taking a break to eat, sometimes missing work so I could stay online. And then suddenly the day my ex confessed to me that he didn't love's like my whole world came tumbling down like a huge slap in the face to wake me up. I should have left the day he told me that, but I listened to all my imvu friends and stayed for them. But now, after reading the experiences of others I realize that I'm not alone and that I can't worry about my gaming friends anymore. I have to be in real life now and take care of myself.

I too suffered from an addiction with IMVU. I started using back when I was on maternity leave with my one child. I have already been suffering with mental illness such as depression, adhd, and anxiety which has caused me problems with socializing with real people in the first place. As soon as I went into IMVU I was hooked. The atmosphere of real people from all corners of the world that don't judge, and if they do you shut them off. IMVU is like an open arm of comfort for people like me that have difficulties making and keeping friends in real life. My boyfriend met me at the time in my life that I was intending to use to be single and go to school and start a career but instead I let myself get pregnant with him and put everything else on hold which didn't help with my illnesses since I was frustrated about the timing of becomming a parent. Imvu was my total escape. Not only did I find friendships there, but a sexual release with people that had the same types of desires. My boyfriend just didn't fill that gap the way my online friends did. Soon I met someone who got me interested in skyping with him and wound up with a dirty skype conversation that my boyfriend ended up reading which caused a lot of fighting and ended with me shutting off imvu forever. Until a month or so ago when I went back in deciding that I could do it innocently this time and just chat about non-sexual things. I did end up meeting sexual people again who do sex rp in a public way which I did partake in for the most part. Also this time around was more exposed to the DJing thing which is a lot of fun and very addicting as well. The thing was that I met a couple of people who I am extremely compatible with. People that I could easily fall in love with if I was available for that type of intimacy. The wall that was in place due to my relationship frustrated me with the friendships, because I didn't advance, and neither did they, though there was a loving and also sexual connection between the friends that I made. I recently had to shut off imvu again because my bf can't stop fighting about it. So I've decided to invest in my relationship full time because my boyfriend is not happy with the amount of time I spend on the computer chatting with my other friends instead of hanging out with him. I resent him for getting in the way of my freedom to make friends outside of our relationship. I don't know if it's reasonable for me to resent him for this. I don't even know how to end this story. Just wanted to share my experience of IMVU and why I have found myself uninstalling it and feeling very much like wanting to reinstall it and log in, and it's a huge challenge to sit here and not log on. :( Right now I am giving my RL relationship a shot without IMVU in the background to see if we are really compatible. I believe I've used IMVU as an escape, not that the escape has made me love him less. But maybe I am wrong and that is how severe the addiction is.

I too can relate. I got involved with this daddy dom on there. he was very attentive and asked me to marry him but he was controlling and manilupative. he was mean and every time I turned around some of his exes or some girl was coming in to his club saying stuff and he would boot and block on imvu. I loved him so much and we would break up and get back together over period of 5 months. I was gone for a few weeks off of there and kept my fb for games up and he asked me to come back after his break up with new gf( this happened like a week after our breakup) he professed to love me so friggin much. so after few days of her stalking us i went to bed one night after him telling me he loved me so much and then woke up to get on and saw he had gotten back with her. during al this time he has other girls sending hiim pictures, sexy ones , demanding I did, every few days.,wascheating with ones he supposed to have blocked. his fettish is mostly women under age of 35 but his new gf is 22 and hes meeting her in rl in few weeks. hes 47 and hes very jealous, i fear for her, bc he goes off really easily . im blocked now after she made up story about me and i think he makes them up cause she told me as much . i cant seem to get over him, constantly think of him, he makes u feel special and is giving and thats how he lures women in. ff782bc1db

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