International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium

A virtual conference for all students

The 2nd International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium took place on April 13, 2024. It attracted more than 225 participants from over 30 countries. During the symposium, more than 90 students, including high school, undergraduate and graduate students, presented their research covering a wide variety of topics, including ODEs and PDEs, fixed point theorems, machine learning, coding theory, graph theory, and data analysis. The symposium was organized by Feryal Alayont (GVSU), Cuixian Chen (UNCW), Kumer Pial Das (University of Louisiana at Lafayette), Hyunju Oh (University of Guam), Jan Rychtar (VCU), and Dewey Taylor (VCU). Professor Nouzha El Yacoubi (Mohammed V University, Morocco), the first woman to serve as president of the African Mathematical Union, gave a plenary talk titled "Mathematics and Development: African Challenges and Prospect." Four panelists, Dr. Sudharshana Apte, Ashik Chowdhury,  Dr. Beata Randrianantoanina and Dr. Seth Sullivant, also shared information and advice with participants in a panel titled "Life After College."


Detailed conference schedule, presenter and talk information can be found in the abstract booklet

Conference schedule is available at the 2024 Schedule page.

Plenary speaker info is available at the 2024 Plenary speaker page.

Information on the Life After College panel is available at the 2024 panel page.

Conference conduct code