April 12, 2025
The 3rd International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium
A virtual conference for all students
Supported by the African Mathematical Union,
the VCU Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, and
A full day of talks, activities, and math/stat fun
The 3rd International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium will be held virtually and synchronously on Saturday, April 12, 2025. The conference provides a venue for students (high school, undergraduate, graduate) to present their research in mathematical sciences (mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics and operation research), to learn about current research topics and hang out with like-minded math and stat enthusiasts.
All presentations will be in English. We aim to have all student presentations as synchronous 15 minutes long talks with a short (2-3 mins) Q&A portion after each talk. However, there is a limited capacity based on the schedule. If the capacity is reached and/or if there is enough interest, we will offer an option for asynchronous (pre-recorded) talks. You may indicate your interest in this option during registration.
To give a presentation at the conference, submit your abstract using the link below by Friday, March 28. The submissions will be reviewed, and abstracts accepted by Monday, March 31. Abstracts for talks with more than one presenter should be submitted only once (by the corresponding author). However, all presenters must register for the conference and provide the name of the corresponding author. See the registration form for more information.
The conference is open to all (not just presenters) and is free. To register, use the link below. Registration closes on Friday, March 28. All conference links will be sent to the registered participants before the conference begins. If you do not receive an email with these links by the end of Thursday, April 10, check your spam folder and if the email is not there, please contact us.
Abstract guidelines
Abstracts should be 150-250 words and written in a way that is accessible to a broad audience. Do not assume much previous knowledge of your topic. If possible, avoid mathematical notation both in the title and the abstract. If you must use mathematical typesetting, use it sparingly and use LaTeX format.
Abstracts for talks with more than one presenter should be submitted only once (by the corresponding author). However, all presenters must register for the conference and provide the name of the corresponding author. See the registration form for more information.
Please see our more detailed guidelines for additional information.
Important dates
Registration opens: January 21, 2025
Abstract submission deadline: March 28, 2025, 11:59 pm EDT (US New York time)
Registration deadline: March 28, 2025, 11:59 pm EDT (US New York time)
Presentation acceptance decision: March 31, 2025
Async presentations send links to videos: April 6, 2025
Conference day: Saturday, April 12, 2025, from 4:45 AM EDT (US New York time) to 4:40 PM EDT (US New York time)
Contact: mathstatstudentresearch@gmail.com
Poster photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash.

Conference conduct code
Be respectful, fair, and civil in all your interactions.
Show respect and tolerance to all conference participants.
We recognize and protect every participant's freedom of speech (meaning anyone can share their opinions). We note however that this freedom comes with the dual responsibilities of discipline-specific responsible conduct of research and respectful treatment of others while disseminating.
We also recognize the right to learn of every participant. During any talk, if you are not presenting, please mute yourself and minimize distractions in other ways, both to the speaker and the audience members.
The following are unacceptable behavior and you risk being removed from the conference if you engage in one or more of these activities:
Any harassment, intimidation, or discrimination, whether it is against a specific group or individual,
Disruption of presentations,
Promotional presentations, postings or messages,
Capturing video, audio, text, or photography of slides or the likes of fellow attendees, without presenter/author's permission.