Computer Science Needs Logic!

Friday 15th January 2021

Fundamental topics in Computer Science include Type Theory, Generic Programming, Symbolic Execution, Logic-based Learning, Logic- based Argumentation, and Symbolic Verification. Research in these topics on fundamental theory, well-engineered tools and applications provide substantial contributions in Software Assurance, Explainable AI, Safe and Trusted AI, Interpretable AI, Human-like Learning, and Strategic reasoning for Decision Making. The common denominator is Logic.

This event will celebrate the fact that Logic continues to be a vital and core part of Computing. It will bring together PhD students, post-docs and academics working in areas where there is a need for logical inference or benefits and advantages in using logic-based methods. The event will consist of presentations by members of Department of Computing, at Imperial College London that will showcase, in particular, advancements made in "Logic and Programming Languages" and "Logic and Artificial Intelligence".

Through its program, the event intends to contribute to the UNESCO World Logic Day, proclaimed in 2019 in association with the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH), to increase awareness of the research activity conducted in the department on topics related to Logic, promote the development of research in these areas, and foster and strengthen interactions among students, researchers and academics with an interest in Logic.