What Does An Immigration Attorney Do?

An immigration attorney handles legal issues specifically that revolve around immigration - the act of leaving a country with the intention of living or staying in another country for some time. Immigration law in the United Kingdom is incredibly complicated. Even typical attorneys generally do not know all the ins and outs of the United Kingdom immigration legal system.

Situations and people that immigration solicitors can help include:

  • Immigration to the United States

  • Help your family immigrate to the United Kingdom

  • Get a green card

  • retained right of residence

  • Become a United States citizen

  • Obtain asylum or refugee

  • The process for obtaining visas for workers and students

  • The process to obtain legal status for people who are having trouble renewing a visa, or who have exceeded their visa

  • Obtain legal status for people who are in the United States illegally

  • Prevention of deportation or removal from the United States

  • People who are being tried for a crime that may affect their legal situation

  • People who may be deported for a conviction or criminal immigration violations in the past

  • Help people with a criminal history immigrate to the US

  • Help people who have previously been deported back to the US UU.

  • Get status legal for people with immigration problems due to the use of fraudulent documents, misrepresentation, marital problems, medical problems, judicial history, or other circumstances

  • Create a company in the United States as a foreigner, or the employment of foreigners in your business

  • As an employer, ensuring that you meet the requirements for hiring foreign workers and following the proper procedures to confirm employment authorization

  • As a foreign employee, ensuring that your employer is following appropriate conduct

  • Preserving status legal when you have to leave the UK for some time, so your status is not abandoned or has expired

Essentially, an immigration attorney can help with anything that concerns the transfer of a person or business within or outside of the United Kingdom.

To know more visit our website: www.immigrationsolicitors4me.co.uk