Chi Chi

Fernanda (Chi Chi) was born in Argentina in June which is winter there because Argentina is in the southern hemisphere. She lived there with her family. Her father moved to Argentina from Italy because he was Jewish and there was a Nazi Invasion during World War II.

Argentina has both the Atlantic Ocean and the Andes Mountains. The capital of Argentina is Buenos Aires, where Chi Chi lived. Argentina is on the southern tip of South America, and is surrounded by Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia. In the summer, which is in November, Decmeber & January, the temperature can get to the 90s and 100s.

She lived in Argentina for three years. The holidays she celebrated include Noche Buena the celebration of the three kings. She would put out her shoes to get presents and put out carrots for the camels that the kings rode.

Her family left Argentina because Jaun Peron was a fascist dictator and he was very controlling. He controlled the press and he could jail some one if they disagreed with him. He also controlled the military. Chi Chi's family decided to leave Argentina because her dad was scared because he was Jewish, and Juan Peron was anti-Semitic.

When she moved she was excited because she was going to Florida & she was happy to swim at the beach. She moved with her father Juan, her mother Fernanda and two siblings. Every year on vacation she would visit her home in Argentina. The food there is meat pies and beef - lot of meats and beef.

When she was 14 she had to become a citizen, so she had to prove she wouldn't be a burden and had to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Also to be accepted she had to have a sponsor, her dads' friends were citizens so they sponsored them.

At her high school, all the people where curious because they had never seen an immigrant before. But they were all disappointed cause she didn't look like an immigrant. She did not feel embarrassed to be an immigrant, because she felt like that she had more in common with the pilgrims because they were immigrants too.

When she got older she moved to Vermont and is very happy.

Jaun Peron

Where she lived in the USA

Noche Buena

Chi Chi and Ivan

Interview and web page by Ivan R.