Learning Opportunities

You are invited to a Book Group on Race Thursday, July 23rd @ 7pm via Zoom The Book Group will meet to discuss the book,

Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the US by Rev. Lenny Duncan

All members and friends of Northern Conference ELCA congregations are invited to join us for a discussion of Dear Church. Read the whole book ahead of time and we will discuss it that evening. This is a chance to consider the role of race in our own congregations and contexts, and how we can learn to develop anti-racist patterns.

The Bible Study/Prayer Group which was to begin in July 8th is still on hold. At the present time I have one person who contacted me and said they were interested. If you are interested but just did not reply, please let me know. If we get a small group of people interested, we will give it a try. I have included the information again in case people are interested.

It is time to begin again to gather as a group to study the scriptures and to pray. To do this, we will study a book entitled “Grounded in Prayer”. This book provides daily prayer exercises for six weeks. These exercises will be done on your own to deepen your prayer life as you develop or strengthen your daily discipline of prayer and reading the Bible. We will gather once per week to discuss and practice different methods of prayer.

We will be meeting on Wednesdays, first meeting July 8th with me getting books to you to start the daily reading on July 1st. I am offering several methods of meeting and possibly two different times. We could meet either during the day or in the evening depending on who wants to attend. We could meet at one of the churches, keeping social distancing, and no more than 10 people or using Zoom. If we choose to use Zoom, and you have not used it in the past, I will walk you through it. It is not that difficult.

Let me know if you are interested, if you prefer Bethany or Immanuel in person, or Zoom, and what time works well for you. You may email me at immanuel.bethany.pastor @gmail.com or text me at 419-305-9008. You may also leave a message at Immanuel.