
Thank you sincerely for your visit to Inorganic Molecular Engineering  (IME) Laboratory led by Prof. Kang and his excellent research team at Inha University. Our research group has focused on the development of new functional solid-state materials based on inorganic and reticular chemistry through molecular engineering. Also, we have open positions for highly motivated graduate students and undergraduate students. If you are interested, please feel free to contact Prof. Kang (dwkang@inha.ac.kr).

Admission & Recruitment

함께 연구할 학부 연구생 및 대학원생을 모집하고 있습니다.  관심 있는 인하대학교 학부생(화학 및 화학공학)은 제 메일 주소로 연락 주세요 (dwkang@inha.ac.kr).

 학부 연구생을 신청하기 전에  우선적으로 상담을 먼저 신청하여 서로 이야기를 나눌 수 있길 바랍니다:)

2024년 9-12월 논문 공부 & 25년 1-2월 실험을 위한 학부 연구생 가능 - 희망자는 이메일로 2024-1학기 내에 연락

(화학과 학부 기준 대학원 입학 T.O. - 2024/2025년 0 명)


2024.03.25. Welcome, Jeoung Won has joined us as a undergraduate researcher!

2024.03.04. Welcome, Byeong Hak has joined us as a graduate student:)

2024.03.04. Welcome, Jae Eun, Hwa Young, and Eun Jin have joined us as undergraduate researchers!

2024.01.15. Welcome, Yeonwoo and Yujin have joined us as undergraduate researchers!

2024.01.10. Our paper entitled “Nanoscale Covalent Organic Framework with Staggered Stacking of Phthalocyanines for Mitochondria-Targeted Photodynamic Therapy” has been published in J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146(1), 849857 (1st author - Prof. Kang).

2024.01.02. The interview article featuring Prof. Kang has been released on ibric (Link).

2024.01.02. Welcome, Eunjin has joined us as a undergraduate researcher!