
 Below I provide links to published versions of my articles. Some of these require payment or login credentials. Please contact me at if you would like a free copy of any article. Alternatively, you may read pre-print versions of most of my articles for free using the links below.

"The Effect of Vaccine Mandates on Disease Spread: Evidence from College COVID-19 Mandates" with Riley Acton, Wenjia Cao, Emily Cook, and Michael Lovenheim.  

Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming (early access) (preprint). 

“Are Effective Teachers for Students with Disabilities Effective Teachers for All?”  with Ijun Lai, Jesse Wood, Neil Filosa, Nate Jones, and Katharine Strunk

Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, forthcoming (early access) (preprint).

“Parental Skills,  Assortative Mating, and Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children”  with N. Meltem Daysal, Todd Elder, Judith Hellerstein, and Chiara Orsini. 

American Journal of Health Economics, forthcoming. (preprint)

“Regulatory Arbitrage in Teacher Hiring and Retention: Evidence from Massachusetts Charter Schools”  with Jesse Bruhn,  and Marcus Winters.

Journal of Public Economics, 2022. (published) (preprint)

"To What Extent Does In-Person Schooling Contribute to the Spread of COVID-19? Evidence from Michigan and Washington"  with Dan GoldhaberKatharine Strunk, Bryant HopkinsNate Brown, Erica Harbatkin, and Tara Kilbride

Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2022. (published - free access)  (pre-print) 

"Ohio's Lost Einsteins:  The Inequitable Outcomes of Early High Achievers"

Thomas Fordham Institute report, 2021. (published)

 “The Effect of an Autism Insurance Mandate on Special Education Identification and Academic Performance of Students with ASD” with Riley Acton and Michael Lovenheim

Journal of Health Economics, 80, 2021.  (published(pre-print

 “Info.Econ: Increasing Diversity among Economics Majors” (with Andrea Chambers, Stacy Dickert-Conlin, Carey Elder, and Steven Haider

AEA Papers and Proceedings, 111, 2021.  (published)

"Teacher Quality Gaps by Disability and Socioeconomic Status: Evidence from Los Angeles" with Ijun Lai, Jesse Wood, Nate Jones,    and Katharine Strunk

Educational Researcher, 50(2), 2021. (published) (pre-print)

“School Segregation and Racial Gaps in Special Education”  with Todd Elder, David Figlio, and Claudia Persico 

Journal of Labor Economics, 39 (S1), 2021 . (published) (pre-print) (appendix)

"The Global COVID-19 Student Survey: First Wave results" with David Jaeger, et. al. 

Covid Economics, May 27, 2021.  (published)

“The Role of Neonatal Health in Special Education Identification”   with Todd Elder, David Figlio, and Claudia Persico.

American Journal of Health Economics,  6 (2), 2020 . (published) (pre-print)

“Recruiting and Supporting Low Income, High Achievers at Flagship Universities. with Rodney Andrews and Michael Lovenheim  

Economics of Education Review, 74, 2020. (published)  (pre-print)   (appendix)

“Achievement Effects of Individual Performance Incentives in a Teacher Merit Pay Tournament.”  with Michael Lovenheim and Maggie Brehm

 Labour Economics, 44, 2017. (published) (pre-print

 “Capitalization of Charter Schools into Residential Housing Prices” with Maggie Brehm and Michael Naretta.

  Education Finance and Policy, 12(1), 2017. (published) (pre-print) (appendix)

 "Does the Market Value Value-Added? Evidence from Housing Prices after Public Release of Teacher Value-Added“ with Michael Lovenheim.  

  Journal of Urban Economics, 91. 2016. (published) (pre-print)

“Do Administrators Respond to Their Accountability Ratings? The Response of School Budgets to Accountability Grades.” with Steven Craig and Adam Perdue

Economics of Education Review, 49, 2015. (published) (pre-print

“Incentive Strength and Teacher Productivity: Evidence from a Group-Based Teacher Incentive Pay System” with Michael Lovenheim

Review of Economics and Statistics, 97(2), 2015.  (published) (pre-print)

 “The Effect of Providing Breakfast on Achievement and Attendance: Evidence from an In-Class Breakfast Program” with Adriana Kugler

Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 33(3), 2014. (published) (pre-print)

 "Is Gifted Education a Bright Idea? Assessing the Impacts of Gifted and Talented Programs.” with Sa Bui and Steven Craig

  American Economic Journal - Economic Policy, 6(3), 2014. (published) (pre-print) (appendix). 

 "Impact of Bilingual Education Programs on Limited English Proficient Students and Their Peers: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Texas" with Aimee Chin and N. Meltem Daysal

  Journal of Public Economics, 107, 2013. (published) (pre-print)

 "Does it Pay to Get an A? School Resource Allocations in Response to Accountability Ratings"  with Steven Craig and Adam Perdue

  Journal of Urban Economics, 73(1), 2013. (published) (pre-print) (appendix)

"Katrina's Children: Evidence on the Structure of Peer Effects from Hurricane Evacuees"  with Adriana Kugler and Bruce Sacerdote

American Economic Review, 102(5), 2012.  (published) (pre-print) (appendix).

 "Dressed for Success? The Effect of School Uniforms on Student Achievement and Behavior" with Elisabetta Gentile

  Journal of Urban Economics, 71(1), 2012(published) (appendix).

  "The Effect of Charter Schools on Achievement and Behavior of Public School Students" 

  Journal of Public Economics, 95(7-8), 2011(published) (appendix)

 "Achievement and Behavior in Charter Schools: Drawing a More Complete Picture" 

  Review of Economics and Statistics, 93(2), 2011. (published) (appendix).

"Why are the DI Rolls Skyrocketing?" with Mark Duggan 

 Health at Older Ages: The Causes and Consequences of Declining Disability among the     Elderly, David         Cutler and David Wise eds, University of Chicago Press, 2008. (link)