Extra Curricular Activities

  • Campus Ambassador at AIM Initiative Foundation(2020-Present)

  • IT Secretary of Youth Career Institute (IUBAT Branch 2019-Present)

  • Programming Club Mentor (2019-2020)

  • Champion in IUBAT Intra University Junior Ramadan Programming Contest-18.

  • Member of Runner-Up team in IUBAT Intra University Programming Contest-19.

  • Participate more than 7 Programming contest & Got Certificate.

  • Solved more than 600 Problems in Different Online Judge like Codeforce, Hackerrank,toph

Champion on Ramadan Contest-2018

IUPC Summer-19

Runner Up-19

Runner Up-19

Workshop and Training

  • Organized Several Intra University Programming Contest at my University

  • Attained many outside Programming Seminar and contest.

  • Certifications : Hash Code 2020 by Google, Python Basic by HackerRank, Problem Solving Basic by HackerRank, Different certificate from Coursera, Udeamy, Different Certificate for Problem Solving and Volunteer work.

  • Attend Dev Fest Seminar - 2020

After Attending a Seminar

Contest Time

Prize Giving Ceremony


  • Participated IUT ICT Olympiad-2018

  • Member of IOC Team in ICFL-2018

  • IUBAT NCPC-18 o Member of Technical Team

  • Participated JU ICT Olympiad-2019

  • Participated IUPC more than 7 times at IUBAT

Voluntary work for arranging a Programming Contest

Work as a IOC Member in ICFL

IUT ICT Olympiad-2018

JU ICT Olympiad-2019