Generalized Hessian-Schatten Regularization

Images acquired using different imaging devices are often corrupted due to the physics of the image formation model. MRI imaging [1], [2], computed tomography [3], [4], confocal microscopy [5] and widefield microscopy [6] are examples of imaging modalities that are vulnerable to such image degradation. An estimation scheme [7] that employs knowledge of the image formation forward model to generate a better quality estimate is known as image restoration [8]. One of the classical approaches to image restoration is by regularized image restoration [9]. It models the restored image fˆ as the solution of an optimization problem :

where the image restoration cost J(f) is often modelled as sum of a data fitting functional G(f,g) and a regularization functional R(f). The data fitting term ensures that the estimate fˆ is not too far away from the measured image g. The structure of data fitting term is often dependent on the forward model of the imaging device. The regularization functional [10] captures the prior information we have about the class of images we are trying to restore. The constant term λ is an algorithm parameter that is used to tradeoff between the imposition of regularization term against the data fitting term.

The Hessian-Schatten variation functional helps regularize the energy in the singular values of the Hessian of pixels in the estimated image. The TGV in its standard form do not have this control over image derivatives. The second order Total Generalized variation, in its definition employs a mixed matrix vector norm .It may be noted that the matrix norm applied here is the Frobenius norm. It is a special case of the class of Schatten norms acting on the Hessian matrix at each pixel position which we saw applied successful in The HessianSchatten norm based regularization. In this work , we consider the extension of this mixed matrix vector norm to include the family of Schatten norms. We propose a generalized Hessian-Schatten regularization (TGSV) regularization which may be defined as follows :

Here D1 and D2 represents derivative filter operators and q represents the order of Schatten norm employed in the regularization scheme. Experiments performed on under sampled MRI data demonstrate the superior reconstruction quality of algorithm in comparison to existing regularization based methods for image restoration.


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