Short, Casual, and Fun Stories For All Ages!

Terms Of Use / EULA:

We use the default Apple EULA.


All stories made are completely fictional and hold no resemblance to any real person or incident. They are meant purely for entertainment purposes and we don't mean to hurt anyone's sentiments. Please read the stories at your own discretion. Imagine only uses original stories so we ask that you do not distribute the stories on any other platform. We hope you enjoy our content and thank you for your understanding.

Privacy Policy:

We value the privacy of our users, and don't collect any personal data. The only data that would be collected is basic, anonymous usage statistics given to us by Apple. If you decide to contact us we would have access to your email address, which would be used only to respond to the concern / feedback for which you reached out. Thank you for your corporation in keeping your data safe.


We post daily stories on our Youtube Channel. Link:

If you have any feedback for us please let us know in a review for our iOS app (Link: ) or in a YouTube comment.

Thank you