Privacy Policy For Image To PDF 

Effective Date: 05-06-2024

1. Introduction

Welcome to Image to PDF . This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you use our mobile application ("App"). Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the App.

2. Information We Collect

2.1. Personal Data

While using our App, we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you. Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to:

2.2. Usage Data

Usage Data is collected automatically when using the App. Usage Data may include information such as your device's Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), device name, operating system version, the configuration of the App when utilizing our service, the time and date of your use of the service, and other diagnostic data.

2.3. Images and Files

Our App accesses images and files from your device’s gallery to convert them into PDF format. These images and files are processed locally on your device and are not uploaded to our servers.

3. Use of Your Information

We use the information we collect in the following ways:

4. Sharing Your Information

We may share your information with third parties in the following situations:

5. Third-Party Services

5.1. Firebase

Our App uses Firebase, a service provided by Google LLC. Firebase is used for app analytics, crash reporting, and other purposes. For more information on the privacy practices of Firebase, please visit the Firebase Privacy & Security webpage: Firebase Privacy & Security.

5.2. Meta Audience Network

Our App uses Meta Audience Network to serve ads. Meta Audience Network may use data from your device, including advertising identifiers, to display personalized ads. For more information on Meta's privacy practices, please visit the Meta Privacy Policy webpage: Meta Privacy Policy.

6. Security of Your Information

We use administrative, technical, and physical security measures to help protect your personal information. While we have taken reasonable steps to secure the personal information you provide to us, please be aware that despite our efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable, and no method of data transmission can be guaranteed against any interception or other types of misuse.

7. Children's Privacy

Our App is not intended for use by children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. If we become aware that we have collected personal information from a child under age 13 without verification of parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from our servers.

8. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us: