That said, I have an enhanced uploader that I developed for use internally. It does this and more. I may be releasing it to the marketplace (not free though) after I add a couple features that I need.

file manager for deletion (this is also associated with storage of the app. When a user deletes or abandons their account on the app you need to delete those files from your file manager so that you are not paying for storage of images not needed)

Image Upload


Because of all these other considerations I abandoned the bubble image uploader and instead use the croppie plugin to upload images as it gives much greater control over all aspects I find important when managing images.

I ended up utilizing api workflows on a list of numbers to create in advance the images (without images uploaded, just shells basically with id) so that I could show them in a repeating group and through various ways show a croppie when the R.G. cell was clicked to then upload the images individually. The way I did it works well for my intentions of limiting users storage capacity and to set up different pricing tiers based on number of images stored.


when I upload images to tasks, I noticed the bit depth of the image automatically gets downsized (e.g. from 32 to 8), so its a smaller file size. However, this leads to images looking grainy and low quality (we attach images to tasks e.g. to brief for landing page creation). Does anyone know a way to deactivate this function, so image files can be exchanged in its original resolution? Thanks

After being clueless what was causing that for a few days, we checked the before and after sizes of attachments to Asana. And, noticed Asana downsizes and compresses each of the attached images to 480px.

Ditto! The original file size is maintained on a computer, but on my iPhone I can only download the thumbnail. My team uses their phones to post the images I send on social media. I need it to be hi res. So, this is only a partial solution.

I find when i upload a PDF that ive exported from indesign specifically not downsampled, after uploading to Asana the text and sometimes imagery are pixelated and unreadable. is there a reason this happens or is there another setting i can use to export PDFs so that the quality is still good? When i open these pdfs in acrobat the resolution is perfect so im thinking it must be something asana is doing to the PDF on upload.

These are on images that are hot linked btw (where I assume if you have download remote images to local checked) it should treat as a standard upload? (If not can we get it to behave the same way please?)

I think this is a separate feature request. Certainly if you push max image size down to 200k, it totally makes sense to just resize the hotlinked images when we download them. There are thresholds at play, we should not download a 700 gigabyte image just to figure this out, but yeah something could be a bit better.

I also just discovered that if you change the max image size, that actually has an impact on what file size you end up with - which is really cool! Setting it to 500kb ended up resizing a 1.2mb image to 360kb, setting it to 200kb, resulted with the same file at 118kb (though obviously it is smaller as well).

image706151 15.6 KB

This is the default setting on our forums. I tried to change it to 20000 and it worked (or appeared to stick), but when I went to upload an image/GIF that was 17.2mb I was greeted with this error message:

When I am adding graphics to my newsletters it is not uploading graphics. They are 1.05 MB large so that's not the issue. I have not had this problem until the last two weeks. It will either sit there with the "Uploading" status or come back as "Undefined."

This demo is configured to use CKBox for image upload and management. Use the image upload button to upload images or the CKBox button to browse and select existing images from the file manager. It also includes the AutoImage plugin, which lets you paste image URLs directly.

Except for pasting URLs to images, all other solutions mentioned above require the image to be uploaded to a server. The server will then be responsible for providing the image URL used by CKEditor 5 to display the image in the document. The software that makes the image upload possible is called an upload adapter. It is a callback that tells the WYSIWYG editor how to send the file to the server. There are two main strategies for getting the image upload to work that you can adopt in your project:

With CKBox, users can upload files and categorize them into different groups. They can also change the way the files are displayed, for example, by setting the image thumbnail size or deciding how many files are shown on one page. Files can be uploaded, deleted, renamed, and tagged. File properties like dimensions, upload date, or size are also easily accessible and can be used to sort the file view alongside a regular search.

Please remember that while Base64 upload is an easy solution, it is also highly inefficient. The image file itself is kept as data in the database, generating a much heavier data load and higher transfer. We recommend using alternative ways to upload images into CKEditor 5.

CKEditor 5 provides an open API that allows you to develop your upload adapters. Tailored to your project, a custom adapter will allow you to take full control over the upload process. This includes both sending the files to the server and passing the response from the server (for example, the URL to the saved file) back to the WYSIWYG editor.

All of my digital uploads that have a transparent background are showing up with a black background on Etsy only. The images meet all requirements, they are just showing with a black background. I am using the same browsers I always have. No changes to my software settings as far as exporting before trying to upload to Etsy. I posted 2 maybe a month ago with no issues, but today it has been a frustrating issue. Regardless of trying from my windows lap top or my iPad.

I assume you are talking about listing photos rather than the actual download file itself. Transparent pngs have no background colour so you have no control over them when the images are uploaded to a host website. When listings photos are uploaded Etsy reformats and compresses them. For some reason pngs with transparent backgrounds are assigned a black background. To get around this always upload jpegs or non-transparent pngs as your listing photos.

I had the same issue. Here is the solution. If you have Photoshop knowledge, get a transparent background screenshot on your computer. Use it as background and paste your photos on it. You can save it as PNG or JPEG and it will look like image with transparent background.

When I look at the images on your site they look good and are on a white background. I also offer PNG file types but show the image as a JPG on the storefront to avoid the black box background that pops up on Etsy from time to time. Just make a storefront image with a JPG on a white background for the store then send the transparent PNG when ordered.

That is, currently users by default can upload up to 4096 KB for avatar pics. I have discord oauth already setup and working. Can an app communicate and send the same request (maybe via SSO?) to discourse to upload or download a file?

Use a third-party site to upload your image ( like and then copy the URL. This would be super fast and easy! DOWNSIDE: Your logo would be publically available on the internet for anyone to see. This might not matter for a logo, but would matter for more private images!

Currently there is no way to upload an Image or a GIF on a QuickSight dashboard. Rendering an Image via an URL is the only available option. If you are not happy with the resizing options on narrative analysis, you can try out custom visual content with bunch of sizing options. Using custom visual content in Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight

I keep trying to upload an image, from my MacBook Pro, as a cover to a new Portfolio (street & travel) on my site, but I keep getting this error (please see attached photo); and for the life of me I can't seem to find out what that means.

Hello @JeffreySwain , @MichaelWen, sorry for reviving this. We have been trying to implement our workflows on several rasters we use mainly for visualization on our arcgis online organization. We use "copy_raster" from module to create mosaics of images (as described here), no issues there. But we are not able then to edit or substitute our tiled imagery layers, only to create new ones with new serviceItemIDs (which breaks all our apps). We need at least to be able to "substitute" our raster mosaic with new data every few hours, while keeping the same ID linked to our maps and dashboards. Is there anything we are missing??? Thanks in advance.

Do you know if you are using dynamic or tiled imagery layers? The update will only work on dynamic image collections. So if you are not using the image collections, the update is not supported. As a question about your workflow, how large are the files that you are changing out every few hours?

This creates another problem, we haven't been able to use that specific "create_image_collection" function. Is there any license requirement or limitation that applies only to it and not to other functions in the module (e.g. copy_raster)? Any other advice on what may be causing our errors? Thanks again.

I am new to Stack Overflow, and I have asked about 5 questions so far. I have uploaded images of my code on most of my questions. On two separate occasions, two different users advised me not to upload images of code and outputs. One even jokingly said that, every time an image of code is uploaded, a kitten somewhere dies.

Instead of using images, paste your actual code into your question or answer, select it, and hit the code button in the toolbar (it looks like {}) or press Ctrl+K. (If you wish to format it by hand, you can insert four spaces before each line of code, or use code fences.) ff782bc1db

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