Workpackage description

The project IMAGE is organized in six work packages with one WP on the project management, risk analysis and valorization, two WPs on numerical modeling (WP2, WP5) and three WPs (WP3, WP4, WP6) on measurements, at different structural scales, from nm to m (Figure 2). The pore-scale numerical simulations will be performed in WP2, in close collaboration with the SIP and micro/millifluidic experiments (WP3) and the larger-scale SIP and biogeochemical experiments (WP4). The continuum-scale reactive transport simulations in WP2 will be performed in close collaboration with WP4 and WP5 focusing on the forward macroscale IP model and inversion of the IP measurements carried out at the laboratory (WP4) and close-to-field scale conditions (WP6).

Induced polarization for exploring organic pollutant transport and bioreMediAtion GEoprocesses from nano to field scale (PI: P. Leroy - BRGM)

Structure of the IMAGE project showing the numerical and experimental WPs at different structural scales. Figures from Carrillo et al. (2020) (top left and center), Noel et al. (2016) (top right), Jougnot et al. (2018) (bottom left), and Hélène Fournié (© BRGM, bottom right).