GALPHAT guideline

GALPHAT works as an application module in BIE which can have a user-defined project. Therefore it is required to have BIE first before you use GALPHAT. You can have more information of BIE at However some information may not be the latest and you are probably overwhelmed by too much gory detail. Here I will provide the bare bones of how to get BIE and GALPHAT and compile the whole source. Then I will show an example script file for runining GALPHAT within BIE. All the Italic characters in a sample script file or the following description can be changed by user. All command lines are shown by Courier fonts. Please note that GALPHAT has been only tested on Linux cluster platform in UMASS astronomy department computational facility.

1. Getting BIE

  • BIE is currently maintained by the version control system: SVN
  • Contact Martin Weinberg via. weinberg (AT) for either account on source repository machine or the tar ball
  • Put all the sources under the directory for BIE (e.g. /home/iyoon/BIE, hereafter I assume all the sources are in /home/iyoon/BIE )

2. Adding user peoject in BIE/Project dir

  • Download GALPHAT source and put them in BIE/Project dir.
  • Required libraries by GALPHAT are FFTW, cfitsio and GNU Scientific(GSL) library.
  • In BIE/ file, add LDFLAGS option to ./configure as LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/openmpi/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas -lfftw3 -lm"
  • Make sure that you have all necessary library path to GSL and FFTW.

3. BIE Compiling and Linking

  • Easiest way of generating BIE library is using /home/iyoon/BIE/
  • Just run, iyoon/BIE>./ --prefix=/home/iyoon/lib_BIE --with-boost=/usr/local/boost-1.35
  • This will do compile and linking. Since all the BIE libraries are dynamically loaded by default when the program starts, user can specify the directory where the user wants to put BIE libraries and BIE binary files using --prefix option.
  • BIE also needs C++ Boost library (version # >1.35) for persistent/checkpointing system working. This --with-boost option tells compiler where Boost library resides.
  • Do make install. Then BIE libraries and binary files are installed in /home/iyoon/lib_BIE.
  • Here is a sample for compiling BIE incorporating GALPHAT

Now you are ready to use GALPHAT. In order to use it, you should know a little of background of MCMC sampling algorithms in BIE and BIE data handling method. I will describe it using a sample executable script file.