Skills Sessions

Our Skill sessions will take place Sunday, June 24. Three sessions are available. Attendees are welcome to attend one or all of the sessions.

Virtual Reality game design with Unity

by Prof. Christian Eckhardt, Cal Poly

Requirements: Basic programming knowledge. Useful would be having skills in OOP languages such as C#, C++, Java or Python especially some experience with Unity which API is using C#.

Unity might be the most convenient way to develop a virtual reality app, but the Game Jam is not restricted to it.

Recommended: Download and get familiar with Unity, its free. Start with this VR tutorial! Here is another link to a great tutorial. A comprehensive documentation can be found here.

Analog game design

by Rebecca Goff and Brandon Goff, Native Teaching Aids

2D game design with Greenfoot

by Prof. Foaad Khosmood, Cal Poly

Requirement: Basic programming knowledge. Java programming experience is very useful but not strictly necessary. 2D art and drawing experience is also helpful.

Preparation: Download and install Greenfoot on your own machine. Read the documentation, watch some of the Joy of Code videos.