Photo Gallery

Illowa Display at Batavia Orchid Show, Feb 15-16, 2020

Dendrochilum wendzelii 'Timberlane' CCM/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore

1st Place Ribbon

Best of Class

Best Specimen Plant

Wilsonara Eye Candy

Grown by Bruce Byorum

1st Place Ribbon

Best of Class

Phragmipediun QF Halia 'Cheri'

Grown by Dave Wujek

Awarded a HCC/AOS

Illowa display at Madison Orchid Show, Feb. 1-2, 2020

Phalaenopsis OX Golden Apple

Grown by Dave Wujek

1st Place Ribbon

Brassostele Tarantula 'Sweet Orange'

Grown by Deno Kandis

Paphiopedilum Deno's Success 'Forest Park'

Grown by Deno Kandis

1st Place Ribbon

Awarded an AM/AOS

December 4, 2019 Christmas Dinner

Illowa members enjoying companionship and a great meal. Clockwise from lower left: Lois, Jackye, Marcia, Pat, Dave, Cheri, Bruce, Barbara, Julie, Ross and Deno. Nile is behind the camera.

July 2019 Visit to Member Growing Area

Illowa members visit the home of Dave and Cheri Wujek July 7, 2019. (Clockwise from upper left.) Dave Wujek and Deno Kandis with their Show-N-Tell plants. Members attending: Dave, Cheri, Julie, Jackye, Karyn, Pat, Deno. Ross and Scott (taking the picture.) (Not pictured: Barbara) One of several gardens at the Wujek home.

(Additional images can be seen in the May-June-July, 2019, newsletter.)

AOS Award Winners from Quad Cities Members

(Most Images courtesy of Nile Dusdieker)

Paphiopedilum Deno's Success 'Forest Park' AM/AOS

Grown by Deno Kandis

Phragmipedium QF Halia 'Cheri' HCC/AOS

Grown by Dave Wujek

Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum 'Cheri' AM/AOS

Grown by Dave Wujek

Phragmipedium Nicholle Tower 'Cheri' AM/CCM/AOS

Grown by Dave Wujek

Paphiopedilum Macabre Magical Moon 'Kathy' HCC/AOS

Grown by Bruce Byorum

Paphiopedilum Odette's Wish 'Blushing Empress' AM/AOS

Grown by Mary Kandis

Paphiopedilum Saiun 'Forest Park' AM/AOS

Grown by Deno Kandis

Paphiopedilum Pedro's Moon 'Timberlane' HCC/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore

Paphiopedilum Liberty Taiwan 'Timberlane' AM/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore

Paphiopedilum Hampshire Red Gem 'Forest Park' HCC/AOS

Grown by Deno Kandis

Lycaste Abou First Spring 'Timberlane' CCM/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore

Bulbophyllum Crownpoint 'Timberlane' CCM/AM/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore

Phragmipedium Sergeant Eric 'Timberlane' CCM/AM/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore

Paphiopedilum Franz Glanz 'Timberlane' AM/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore

Paphiopedilum Conco-bellatulum 'Muffin' HCC/AOS

Grown by Jackye Crouch

Rhyncattleanthe Love Sound 'Glenna' AM/AOS

Grown by Jackye Crouch

Bulbophyllum Hot Lips 'Timberlane' AM/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore

Masdevallia Prince Charming 'Timberlane' CCM/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore

Cattleya Calypso 'Crestwood' AM/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore

Brassia Punkin Parfait 'Timberlane' HCC/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore

Oncostele Midnight Miracles 'Cheri' AM/AOS

Grown by Dave Wujek

Paphiopedilum Hsinying Alien 'Cheri' HCC/AOS

Grown by Dave Wujek

Phalaenopsis Sun Jye Diamond 'Diamond' HCC/AOS

Grown by Deno Kandis

Papilionanda Erika Cizek Dann 'Forest Park' AM/AOS

Grown by Deno Kandis

Paphiopedilum Janet Kunkle 'Mary's Emerald' AM/AOS

Grown by Mary Kandis

Paphiopedilum charlesworthii 'Ann's Jewel' AM/AOS

Grown by Deno Kandis

Paphiopedilum Houghtoniae 'Timberlane' AM/CCM/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore

Paphiopedilum Ap Philip 'Kandis' Emperor' FCC/AOS

Grown by Deno Kandis

Paphiopedilum Toni Semple 'Forest Park' HCC/AOS

Grown by Deno Kandis

Paphiopedilum urbanianum 'Timberlane' HCC/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore

Paphiopedilum Petula's Peacock 'Valentine's Mystery' HCC/AOS

Grown by Deno Kandis

Paphiopedilum Super Illusions 'Forest Park' AM/AOS

Grown by Deno Kandis

Phalaenopsis Gan Lin Fairy 'New Orchids' HCC/AOS

Grown by Deno Kandis

Paphiopedilum Hsinying Spring Green "Cash's Memory' AM/AOS

Grown by Deno Kandis

Paphiopedilum Imperial Jade 'Timberlane' AM/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore

Phragmipedium schlimii 'Timberlane' CCM/AOS

Grown by Marcia Whitmore