
IAER Workshop Grant

Illinois AER invites professionals in the field of low vision and blindness to host a workshop with the purpose of providing continued education and/or training to individuals who are blind or visually impaired or to professionals who serve in the field.  IAER offers financial assistance to its members who embark in hosting a workshop that targets increased skills in Assistive Technology, Expanded Core Curriculum, Vocational Training, Self-Autonomy, and other skill areas that ultimately lead to increased accessibility and independence for individuals with low vision or blindness.  If awarded financial support for a workshop, all receipts must be submitted for reimbursement by June 1st of the same fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). Collaboration with other agencies is highly recommended.  All Illinois AER Members are eligible to apply.

Proposed execution date for workshop must be stated in the application.  Receipts must be submitted to Katie White no later than June 1 of the same fiscal year of the project.  If receipts are submitted late, workshop grant recipients may be at jeopardy of not receiving reimbursement. IAER board and committee members will evaluate your proposals and funded applications will be notified by mail or email.

For additional information please contact Katie White.