
Selected Manuscripts

Submitted Papers

Brooks-type theorems for relaxations of square colorings


Relaxation of Wegner's Planar Graph Conjecture for maximum degree 4


Proper conflict-free coloring of sparse graphs

arXiv slides


[41] ILKYOO CHOI, Henry A. Kierstead, Landon Rabern:

The list version of the Borodin-Kostochka Conjecture for graphs with large maximum degree

Discrete Mathematics, 346(11):113300, 2023


[40] Eun-Kyung Cho, ILKYOO CHOI, Boram Park, Hyemin Kwon:

Tight bound for independent domination of cubic graphs without 4-cycles

Journal of Graph Theory, 104(2):372-386, 2023

arXiv slides

[39] Eun-Kyung Cho, ILKYOO CHOI, Boram Park:

On independent domination of regular graphs

Journal of Graph Theory, 103(1):159-170, 2023


[38] Eun-Kyung Cho, ILKYOO CHOI, Boram Park, Hyemin Kwon:

Odd coloring of sparse graphs and planar graphs

Discrete Mathematics, 346(5):113305, 2023


[37] Eun-Kyung Cho, ILKYOO CHOI, Boram Park:

Improvements on Hippchen's Conjecture

Discrete Mathematics, 345(11):113029, 2022


[36] Eun-Kyung Cho, ILKYOO CHOI, Ringi Kim, Boram Park, Tingting Shan, Xuding Zhu:

Decomposing planar graphs into graphs with degree restrictions

Journal of Graph Theory, 101(2):165-181, 2022

arXiv Top Cited Article 2022-2023!

[35] ILKYOO CHOI, Felix Christian Clemen, Michael Ferrara, Paul Horn, Fuhong Ma, Tomáš Masařík:

Flexibility of Planar Graphs -- Sharpening the Tools to Get Lists of Size Four

Discrete Applied Mathematics, 306:120-132, 2022

arXiv slides

[34] Eun-Kyung Cho, ILKYOO CHOI, Yiting Jiang, Ringi Kim, Boram Park, Jiayan Yan, Xuding Zhu:

Generalized list colouring of graphs

Graphs and Combinatorics, 37:2121-2127, 2021


[33] Eun-Kyung Cho, ILKYOO CHOI, Ringi Kim, Boram Park:

The strong clique index of a graph with forbidden cycles

Journal of Graph Theory, 98(2):326-341, 2021


[32] ILKYOO CHOI, Boram Park:

On Star 5-Colorings of Sparse Graphs

Discrete Applied Mathematics, 294:233-252, 2021


[31] ILKYOO CHOI, Minseong Kim, Kiwon Seo:

Brick partition problems in 3-dimensions

Discrete Mathematics, 344(4):112288, 2021


[30] Eun-Kyung Cho, ILKYOO CHOI, Boram Park:

On induced saturation for paths

European Journal of Combinatorics, 91:103204, 2021


[29] Eun-Kyung Cho, ILKYOO CHOI, Boram Park:

Partitioning planar graphs without 4-cycles and 5-cycles into bounded degree forests

Discrete Mathematics, 344(1):112172, 2021


[28] ILKYOO CHOI, Daniel W. Cranston, Théo Pierron:

Degeneracy and Colorings of Squares of Planar Graphs without 4-Cycles

Combinatorica, 40:625–-653, 2020.

arXiv slides

[27] ILKYOO CHOI, Ringi Kim, Boram Park:

Maximum k-sum n-free sets of the 2-dimensional integer lattice

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 27(4):Paper 4.2, 12, 2020


[26] ILKYOO CHOI, Weonyoung Joo, Minki Kim:

The layer number of α-evenly distributed point sets

Discrete Mathematics, 343(10):112029, 2020


[25] ILKYOO CHOI, Bernard Lidicky, Florian Pfender:

Inducibility of directed paths

Discrete Mathematics, 343(10):112015, 2020


[24] ILKYOO CHOI, Jinha Kim:

A sharp Ore-type condition for a connected graph with no induced star to have a Hamiltonian path

Discrete Applied Mathematics, 279:178-182, 2020


[23] ILKYOO CHOI, François Dross, Pascal Ochem:

Partitioning sparse graphs into an independent set and a graph with bounded size components

Discrete Mathematics, 343(8):111921, 2020


[22] ILKYOO CHOI, Jinha Kim, Boram Park:

Collapsibility of non-cover complexes of graphs

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 27(1):Paper 1.20, 8, 2020


[21] ILKYOO CHOI, Michitaka Furuya, Ringi Kim, Boram Park:

A Ramsey-type theorem for the matching number regarding connected graphs

Discrete Mathematics, 343(2):111648, 2020.


[20] ILKYOO CHOI, Gexin Yu, Xia Zhang:

Planar graphs with girth at least 5 are (3,4)-colorable

Discrete Mathematics, 342(12):111577, 2019.


[19] Hojin Choi, ILKYOO CHOI, Jisu Jeong, Sang-il Oum:

Online Ramsey theory for a triangle on F-free graphs

Journal of Graph Theory, 92(2):152-171, 2019.

arXiv slides

[18] ILKYOO CHOI, Ringi Kim, Alexandr Kostochka, Boram Park, Douglas B. West:

Largest 2-regular subgraphs in 3-regular graphs

Graphs and Combinatorics, 35(4):805-813, 2019.

arXiv slides

[17] ILKYOO CHOI, Jinha Kim, Minki Kim:

On operations preserving semi-transitive orientability of graphs

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 37(4):1351-1366, 2019


[16] ILKYOO CHOI, Louis Esperet:

Improper Coloring of Graphs on Surfaces 

Journal of Graph Theory, 91(1):16-34, 2019

arXiv slides

[15] ILKYOO CHOI, Ringi Kim, Boram Park:

Characterization of forbidden subgraphs for bounded star chromatic number

Discrete Mathematics, 342(3):635-642, 2019.

arXiv slides

[14] ILKYOO CHOI, Chun-Hung Liu, and Sang-il Oum:

Characterization of Cycle Obstruction Sets for Improper Coloring Planar Graphs

SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 32:2, 1209-1228, 2018

arXiv slides

[13] ILKYOO CHOI, Junehyuk Jung, Minki Kim:

On tiling the integers with 4-sets of the same gap sequence

Discrete Mathematics, 341(4):957-964, 2018.

arXiv   Article of Editor's Choice!

[12] ILKYOO CHOI, Jan Ekstein, Přemysl Holub, Bernard Lidický:

3-coloring triangle-free planar graphs with a precolored 9-cycle

European Journal of Combinatorics, 68(Supplement C):38-65, 2018. 

Combinatorial Algorithms, Dedicated to the Memory of Mirka Miller. 

arXiv slides

[11] ILKYOO CHOI, Jaehoon Kim, Alexandr Kostochka, André Raspaud:

Strong edge-colorings of sparse graphs with large maximum degree

European Journal of Combinatorics, 67(Supplement C):21-39, 2018

arXiv slides

[10] ILKYOO CHOI, O-joung Kwon, Sang-il Oum:

Coloring graphs without fan vertex-minors and graphs without cycle pivot-minors

Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 123 (2017) 126-147

arXiv slides


Toroidal graphs containing neither K_5^- nor 6-cycles are 4-choosable

Journal of Graph Theory, 85(1):172-186, 2017

arXiv slides

[8] Hojin Choi, ILKYOO CHOI, Jisu Jeong, Geewon Suh:

(1,k)-coloring of graphs with girth at least five on a surface

Journal of Graph Theory, 84(4):521-535, 2017

arXiv slides

[7] ILKYOO CHOI, Bernard Lidický, Derrick Stolee:

On Choosability with Separation of Planar Graphs with Forbidden Cycles

Journal of Graph Theory, 81(3):283-306, 2016

arXiv slides

[6] ILKYOO CHOI, Jaehoon Kim, Suil O:

The difference and ratio of the fractional matching number and the matching number of graphs

Discrete Mathematics, 339(4):1382-1386, 2016

arXiv slides

[5] ILKYOO CHOI, André Raspaud:

Planar Graphs with Girth at least 5 are (3, 5)-colorable

Discrete Mathematics, 338(4):661-667, 2015

[4] ILKYOO CHOI, Haihui Zhang:

Vertex Arboricity of Toroidal Graphs with a Forbidden Cycle

Discrete Mathematics, 333:101-105, 2014


[3] ILKYOO CHOI, Jaehoon Kim, Amelia Tebbe, Douglas B. West:

Equicovering Subgraphs of Graphs and Hypergraphs

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 21(1):Paper 1.62, 17, 2014


[2] James Carraher, ILKYOO CHOI, Michelle Delcourt, Lawrence H. Erickson, Douglas B. West:

Locating a robber on a graph via distance queries

Theoretical Computer Science ,463:54–61, 2012

[1] Francine Blanchet-Sadri, ILKYOO CHOI, Robert Mercaş:

Avoiding Large Squares in Partial Words

Theoretical Computer Science, 412(29):3752–3758, 2011


Ph. D. Thesis