Why Are People Rushing To Get A PRP Hair Treatment In Lahore?

Are you worried about the excessive hair fall? Do you want to get rid of this hair fall? There is nothing to be worried about then. PRP is now getting very common in lahore to serve you with all your hair problems. PRP is a hair therapy that uses a patient's own blood to stimulate new hair growth. Growth hormones and other proteins in platelet-rich plasma may stimulate the scalp, helping it to renew and grow more hair follicles. This can be utilized for treating male and female hair loss, while the outcomes may differ based on your specific needs.

In only one session, you may have a healthier, fuller head of hair. It's also a good option for folks searching for an alternate to typical hair loss treatments like Rogaine or Propecia. There are numerous hair clinics now that are providing the highly professional PRP hair treatment in Lahore.

What is PRP Hair Treatment?

PRP hair therapy involves using the patient's blood to create a platelet-rich plasma stem cell. The blood is centrifuged to separate the additives, including pink blood cells, plasma, and platelet-rich plasma. The PRP issue is activated with calcium, releasing growth factors from platelets, which amplifies the healing process.

Injecting the enriched plasma stimulates inactive or newly implanted hair follicles into a healthy growth segment. The injection causes mild irritation, triggering the restoration cascade. As platelets prepare, they release enzymes to promote healing and tissue reaction, enhancing the body's wound healing process.

Growth Related Proteins in PRP

Growth factors are chemicals that drive the development of cells and regeneration. These are some examples:

● Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)

● Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)

● FGF2-fibroblast growth factor.

Procedure of PRP Explained

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a non-surgical treatment that involves extracting 60-100ml of blood from the patient, centrifuging it to separate red and white blood cells, and creating a liquid called PRP.

The treatment involves a controlled injury on the scalp, which signals the body to send plasma and platelets to repair the injured cells. The Scalproller micro needle roller makes PRP treatment painless and time-saving for surgeons. The resulting repairing cells and plasma are re-injected into the scalp, promoting hair growth and thickening.

There are two types of PRP treatments: PRP-one, which uses a scalproller to inject separated plasma and platelets, and ACell +PRP, which combines ACell with PRP for a more effective treatment that provides continuous growth factors to thin hair follicles for months. This combination slows down genetically induced hair loss and regenerates hair.

Some Striking Benefits of PRP Hair Treatment

PRP can be utilized for the treatment of loss of hair in both men and women. It is a simple process that includes drawing your own blood, isolating the platelets, and injecting them into places where you want to see growth.

This is an excellent alternative for individuals who do not want to utilize medicine and prefer anything more organic or holistic, but yet want fast-acting and long-lasting benefits. The method is minimally invasive and produces more natural-looking outcomes than previous procedures.

The method is minimally invasive and produces more natural-looking outcomes than some other hair loss treatments.

The following are some of the advantages of PRP for hair loss:

Collagen production is increased - Collagen is vital for healthy skin, hair, and nails; it keeps the skin supple and inhibits wrinkles from appearing too early in life.

Increased circulation throughout the body - This therapy can help encourage new growth in regions where it may have been lost due to injury or disease, such as alopecia areata (AA), by improving blood flow throughout the body.

Effectiveness And Duration of the Treatment

PRP treatments for hair loss have no conclusive evidence of promoting hair growth or preventing hair loss. However, they can improve hair health and make individuals appear younger. This non-surgical, low-cost therapy has quick recovery times, less adverse effects, and immunity to communicable illnesses.

Hair PRP treatment lasts for 3 to 6 months, focusing on hair growth results and blood supply to follicles. It involves various treatments to maintain hair health, with results varying from person to person.

Side Effects of the Treatment:

PRP hair treatment is generally safe due to using one's own blood, but minor side effects include pain, bumps on scalp skin, and infections. Vibrators or ice packs can help reduce pain.

Most patients resolve bumps within one to two days. Infections are rare, but usually cleansed with spirit before the procedure.

Final Thought

ILHT is offering best PRP hair treatment in Lahore. The injections are minimally invasive treatments for hair loss, derived from your own blood. These growth factors stimulate hair growth in thinning areas, benefiting both men and women with hereditary baldness, alopecia, or other hair loss issues. The treatment is suitable for both men and women. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact our specialist today!

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