Charter Resources

The following resources are available to companies that have signed on to the ILEO Corporate Charter,as aids to help them take action and communicate about our work together.  ILEO is convened by United Way Greater Toronto and BMO Financial Group.

This guide is designed to provide corporate partners with the information they need in order to implement ILEO practices and participate in this partnership. 

This case study provides valuable insights into the collaborative efforts, strategies, and outcomes achieved through the ILEO Good Jobs Pilot 

This  How-To Guide"  offers practical guidance and step-by-step instructions for organizations interested in inclusive hiring practices

This guide is designed to provide corporate partners with the information they need in order to implement ILEO practices and participate in this partnership. 

Browse our list of Local Suppliers for Inclusive Procurement 

Greater Golden Mile Business, Restaurant & Artist List

Browse our list of small and medium Greater Golden Mile businesses, restaurants and artists  to find local and/diverse suppliers for inclusive procurement needs, catering and local art purchases.

Read case studies from ILEO Charter signatories that already bring each of the Charter action areas to life outside of the Greater Golden Mile.

If you have questions specific to ILEO, please contact