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Selected publications

Journal articles [Peer-reviewed]

Ilmakunnas Ilari, Uotinen Joonas & Vaalavuo Maria. 2024. Association between age and subjective economic hardship across the income distribution in Europe. Social Indicators Research.

Ilmakunnas Ilari, Mäkinen Lauri & Hiilamo Aapo. 2024. The role of social transfers in reducing the poverty risk for larger families in the European Union. International Journal of Social Welfare, Early view.

Ilmakunnas Ilari. 2023. Is there a welfare trap? Duration dependence in social assistance recipiency among young Finns. Acta Sociologica, 66(2), 153-174.

Saikkonen Paula & Ilmakunnas Ilari. Reconciling welfare policy and sustainability transition–A case study of the Finnish welfare state. Environmental Policy and Governance.

Laaksonen Mikko, Ilmakunnas Ilari & Tuominen Samuli. 2022. The impact of vocational rehabilitation on employment outcomes: A regression discontinuity approach. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 154 (2), 393-412. doi:10.5271/sjweh.4038

Ilmakunnas, Ilari. 2022. The magnitude and direction of changes in age-specific at-risk-of-poverty rates: an analysis of patterns of poverty trends in Europe in the mid-2010s. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 38(1), 71-91.

Mesiäislehto Merita, Moisio Pasi & Ilmakunnas Ilari. 2022. Do Red-Flagged Clients Exit Social Assistance Earlier than Others? The Case of the Finnish Social Assistance System. Social Policy and Society.

Ilmakunnas, Ilari & Mäkinen, Lauri. 2021. Age Differences in Material Deprivation in Finland: How do Consensus and Prevalence-Based Weighting Approaches Change the Picture? Social Indicators Research, 154 (2), 393-412. 

Obućina, Ognjen & Ilmakunnas, Ilari. 2020. Poverty and Overcrowding among Immigrant Children in an Emerging Destination: Evidence from Finland. Child Indicators Research, 13, 2031–2053. 

Ilmakunnas, Ilari & Moisio, Pasi. 2019. Social assistance trajectories among young adults in Finland – What are the determinants of welfare dependency? Social Policy & Administration, 53, 693–708.

Lorentzen Thomas, Bäckman Olof, Ilmakunnas Ilari & Kauppinen Timo M. Pathways to adulthood. 2019. Sequences in the school-to-work transition in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Social Indicators Research, 141(3), 1285–1305.

Ilmakunnas, Ilari. 2018. Trigger events and poverty transitions among young adults in Finland after leaving the parental home. Social Science Research, 70, 51–54.

Ilmakunnas, Ilari. 2018. Risk and Vulnerability in Social Assistance Receipt of young adults in Finland. International Journal of Social Welfare, 27(1), 5–16.

Ilmakunnas Ilari, Kauppinen Timo M. & Kestilä Laura. 2015. Sosioekonomisten syrjäytymisriskien kasautuminen vuonna 1977 syntyneillä nuorilla aikuisilla [Accumulation of socio-economic risk factors of social exclusion among young adults born in 1977]. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 80:3, 247–262.

Ilmakunnas, Ilari. 2014. Societal change and poverty in Finland 1971–2009: the roles of distribution of market income, redistribution and socio-demographic change. Research on Finnish Society, Vol. 7, 37–49.

Peer-reviewed book chapters

Ilmakunnas Ilari, Kauppinen Timo M. & Moisio Pasi. 2020. Huono-osaisuus jatkuu sukupolvelta toiselle – Tarkastelussa nuorten aikuisten toimeentulotukiasiakkuus. [Disadvantage across generations - A review on young adults' social assistance receipt] In ”Lapset, köyhyys ja huono-osaisuus” (eds.) Kallio Johanna & Hakovirta Mia. Vastapaino: Tampere. 199–223.

Mukkila Susanna, Ilmakunnas Ilari, Moisio Pasi & Saikkonen Paula. 2019. Köyhyys ja perusturvan riittävyys [Poverty and adequacy of basic social security]. In ”Suomalaisten hyvinvointi 2018” (eds.) Kestilä Laura & Karvonen Sakari. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos: Helsinki. 79–93.

Ilmakunnas Ilari, Kestilä Laura, Karvonen Sakari & Kauppinen Timo M.. 2017. Elämänkulku terveyssosiologiassa [Life course research in sociology of health]. In ”Terveyssosiologian linjoja” (eds.) Karvonen Sakari, Kestilä Laura & Mäki-Opas Tomi. Gaudeamus Helsinki University Press: Helsinki. 76–94.

Ilmakunnas, Ilari & Moisio, Pasi. 2014. Köyhyys-ja syrjäytymisriski Suomessa EU2020-tavoitteen valossa [The risk of poverty or social exclusion in light the EU2020 target in Finland]. In “Suomalaisten hyvinvointi 2014” (eds.) Vaarama Marja, Karvonen Sakari, Kestilä Laura, Moisio Pasi & Muuri Anu. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos: Helsinki. 306–319. 

Other publications

Ilmakunnas Ilari & Kuitto Kati. Employment in youth and pension accumulation in Finland-how recent pension reforms account for early career employment. In "Youth Employment Insecurity and Pension Adequacy" (ed) Hofäcker Dirk & Kuitto Kati. pp. 90-104.

Ilmakunnas Ilari. 2020. Uudelleenjaon paradoksin jäljillä : Kirjallisuuskatsaus universalismin ja pienituloisille kohdentamisen köyhyysvaikutuksista [On the traces of the paradox of redistribution: a literature review]. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 5-6: 563570. 

Ilmakunnas Ilari & Moisio Pasi. 2019. Suomalaisen vähimmäisturvajärjestelmän erityispiirteet ja vähimmäisturvan taso kansainvälisesti vertailtuna [Characteristics and level of the Finnish minimum benefit income system in an international comparison]. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos (THL). Työpaperi 16/2019. 

Tervola Jussi, Ilmakunnas Ilari & Moisio Pasi. 2019. Why is the adequacy of Finnish basic social security under special scrutiny by the Council of Europe? A critical review. Research on Finnish Society.

Several other publications in the series of the Finnish Centre for Pensions and Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. Blog posts in various sites.

PhD Thesis

Ilmakunnas Ilari. 2019. Economic difficulties during the transition into adulthood in Finland: A register-based study. Turun Yliopiston Julkaisuja – Annales Universitatis Turkuensis Sarja – Ser. B-Osa – Tom. 474 Humaniora.