
17. The Hattori-Stallings rank, the Euler-Poincaré characteristic and double-coset zeta functions for totally disconnected locally compact groups. 

       With G. Chinello and Th. Weigel. Arxiv version.

16. Unimodular totally disconnected locally compact groups of rational discrete cohomological dimension one. 

       With B. Marchionna and Th. Weigel. Arxiv version


15Weakly weighted generalised quasi-metric spaces and semilattices

         With  A. Giordano Bruno and N. Zava. Accepted by Theoretical Computer Science. Arxiv version.    Journal version.

14. A pro-p version of Sela's accessibility and Poincaré duality pro-p groups

       With P. Zalesskii.  To appear in Groups, Geometry and Dynamics. Arxiv version.    Journal Version.

13Intrinsic entropy for semilattices with a generalized quasi-metric.  

       With D. Dikranjan, D. Freni, A. Giordano Bruno and  D. Toller.  Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2022.  Arxiv version.    Journal version.

12. Subgroups, hyperbolicity and cohomological dimension for totally disconnected locally compact groups.  

       With S. Arora, G. Corob Cook and E. Martinez-Pedroza.  Journal of Topology and Analysis, 2021.

       Arxiv version.    Journal version.

11Subgroups of Poincarè duality pro-p groups. 

       With P. Zalesskii.  Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 2021. Arxiv version.    Journal version.

10Topological entropy for locally linearly compact vector spaces and field extensions. 

       Topological Algebra and its Applications, 2020. Arxiv version.    Journal version.

9.   A property of the lamplighter group.  

      With G. Corob Cook and P.H. Kropholler.  Topological Algebra and Applications, 2020.

      Arxiv version.    Journal Version.

8. The corank of a flow over the category of linearly compact vector spaces.  

     Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2020.  Arxiv version.    Journal version.

7Finiteness properties of totally disconnected locally compact groups.

      With G. Corob Cook.  Journal of Algebra, 2020.  Arxiv version.    Journal version.

6.  Topological entropy for locally linearly compact vector spaces. 

     With A. Giordano Bruno. Topology and its Applications, 2019.  Arxiv version.    Journal version.

5.  Rational discrete first-degree cohomology for totally disconnected locally compact groups.  

    Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 2018.   Arxiv version.    Journal version.

4. Rational discrete cohomology for totally disconnected locally compact groups. 

     With Th. Weigel.  Journal of Algebra, 2016.  Arxiv version.    Journal version.

Proceedings articles, book chapters, etc...

 3Corrigendum to “Finiteness properties of totally disconnected locally compact groups” [J. Algebra 543 (2020) 54–97, (S0021869319305174), (10.1016/j.jalgebra.2019.09.017)] 

      Journal of Algebra, 2024, 647, pp. 906–909

       Journal version.

 2.   An introduction to totally disconnected locally compact groups and their finiteness properties

       Modern trends in Algebra and Representation Theory. LMS Lecture Note Series (2023

        Printed version.

  With A. Giordano Bruno.  Rings, Polynomials, and Modules. Springer, Cham (2017): 103-127.

       Arxiv version.  Journal version.


 0.  Stallings' decomposition theorem for totally disconnected locally compact groups, 2015.

        Advisor: Prof. Thomas S. Weigel, University of Milan - Bicocca.