Easy Mission Generator

What is it?

A utility that will let you generate single, cooperative and dogfight missions for the IL2 combat flight sim. It is similar to the Quick Mission Builder in the game, but a lot more powerful. Missions can be customized using the detailed configuration parameters or they can be randomized. More information here.

What is it not?

A dynamic (single player/MP) campaign generator. These have already been developed by others. The underlying generator will not track planes/pilots/resources etc over time, although it  possible to create multiple missions and run them in chronological order, with airfields and lines changing over time.

Installation & Usage

If you like this utility and would like to show your appreciation, you can buy me a coffee by clicking on the image above!

Known issues


Downloads EMG

Latest version: EasyMissionGenerator_v85

Previous version: EasyMissionGenerator_v84

Downloads EMG TC (Tank Crew):

Latest version: TankCrewGenerator_v11b

Previous version: TankCrewGenerator_v10


Here you can discuss this utility: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/43276-il2-great-battles-easy-mission-generator/ 

and here for Tank Crew: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/66558-easy-mission-generator-for-tank-crew/

Release Notes EMG Version 84

-Escort plane type can now be set even if the scenario is set to random.

-If a side is not playable, EMG will also randomly select AI-only planes for that side.

-Moved the list of AI-only planes to a separate file "planes_ai_only.json" so it is possible to be managed by the user.

-Fixed bug that a combination of certain seasons and maps would result in an error.

-Fixed a bug where generator would stop if no targets could be found within requested target distance range.

-Fixed a bug with Channel/Normandy map bitmap being too small.

-Removed custom icon from executable as it may prevent false positives from virus checkers.

Release Notes EMG for Tank Crew v11b

-Fixed data definition for SU 152

-Separate vehicles.json file in \data subfolder with all defined vehicles/tanks. Actual availability is determined by maps.json

-Moved maps.json to \data subfolder

-Added "Sd.Kfz. 234" as Axis scout vehicle for both maps

-Removed "Forward airstart" option, not relevant for Tank Crew

-Disabled "Enemy targets visible" option as it was never implemented

Bugfix v11a: T-34-76 was missing and mixed up with T-34-76 (43) in the vehicles list


Version 1 of the EMG!