
I am interested in strongly correlated system. Especially I have studied non-fermi liquid theory during my Ph.D and I am still very interested in the related topics such as SYK model and so on. Additionally, anomaly in the topological matters is also another interesting topic I have studied during my Ph. D.

As a postdoc, I am now focusing on the non-equilibrium phenomena in the strongly correlated systems. 

Non-Fermi liquid with disorder

Non-Fermi liquid state is a anomalus metallic state observecd near the quantum critical point. Since the nFL is closely related to the unconventional superconducvitiy, it is very important to idenfity the universal properties of the nFL. Recently, there have been many progess in identifying the low energy effective theories of the nFL state. However most of the works focus on the clean system. In this research,I have studied the role of the disorder in the nFL state. We considered two different disorder effects on the nFL: random charge potential and random mass effect.

Non-Equilibrium physics in the Multi-Channel Kondo systems

The Multi-Channel-Kondo (MCK) system has been intensively studied due to its exotic properties such as a non-Fermi liquid phase and its realizability in the experiments not only for the equilibrium but also non-equilibrium properties. However it is usually necessary to use heavy numerical methods to investigate the transient dynamics of the MCK system eventhough its simplicity compared to other stronlgy interacting systems. Instead of using heavy numerical methods, we use the simplified MCK model with large-N structure to investigate the transient dynamics and thermalization. Using Keldysh formalism, we consider the simple quench protocol of the Kondo interaction constant. 


Anomaly cancelation in topological matter

Anomaly in topological materials has been intensively studied recently. In this work, we study the anomaly cancellation in inversion symmetry broken Weyl metalic phase which host even pair of Weyl points extending the previous study in time-reversal symmetry broekn Weyl metallic state. We found that there are amguitiy in determining the strucutre of the gamma matrices in the low energy limit.  Depending representations of gamma matrices, physical meaning of the anomaly cacellation mechanism changes. Physically it is related to the fact that how the Fermi arc states are formed in inversion symmetry broken Weyl metallic phase.