about us 

"Single roof, multiple pursuits" defines IKOV. Welcome to our unique platform that integrates art, design, events, culture, writing, culinary delights.We invite you to embark on this creative journey with IKOV, our mission to simplify, embrace sustainable living and make a positive impact on the environment and society as we continue to innovate, collaborate and enrich lives.

As an event planner, we specialize in organizing sustainable and eco-conscious events that leave a positive impact. From corporate conferences to weddings, we infuse sustainability into every aspect of event management, from sourcing local and organic products to minimizing waste and promoting recycling.

Our art, culture & lekhan club is a vibrant community that celebrates creativity, artistic expression and promotes sustainable art practices and cultural exchange through meticulously curated exhibitions, workshops and cultural events. We encourage artists, art enthusiasts, cultural aficionados. Club is a haven for wordsmiths, providing a platform for aspiring and established writers to connect, collaborate and develop their craft. We encourage the exploration of sustainable literature and writing that inspires positive change.

Last but not the least,our studio café offers delectable culinary experiences while prioritizing sustainable practices.Our chefs create mouthwatering dishes using the finest ingredients,delivering exceptional flavors to satisfy every palate.We source local,organic ingredients and employ eco-friendly packaging to reduce waste.

Connect with us to explore the possibilities of collaboration, network with like-minded individuals, stay updated on the latest industry trends and our sustainable initiatives & events.

Together, we can create a better, greener future.