Yes, I also use GoodNotes to take notes sometimes and I usually just convert the handwriting to text and paste it into my vault. I really love being able to embed and link notes together because it makes it much easier and enjoyable to actually read.

Hi, I love obsidian and want to keep using it when I start my maths degree. I'll be using an ipad to handwrite notes in lectures or solve problems and was wondering how best to incorporate this into obsidian as theres no native drawing/ handwriting features

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What do people use for taking handwritten notes? Do you use another app like Notability/Good Notes (my current solution)? Do you just try to summarize into text notes? Do you use exaclidraw and LaTex?

Converting your handwritten notes to typed text can be helpful when you decide to share selected notes with other people or when you want to include such notes in a more formal document or in a presentation.

7. When the equation preview in the Mathpane matches the writing you selected, click or tap the Ink to Math button to change your handwritten equation to text.

Earlier this year I started a PhD in pure mathematics at KU Leuven in Belgium and in this blog post I discuss my research workflow. I talk about how I take daily notes, both handwritten ones and ones in LaTeX and how I handle references, featuring a way to instantly add clickable references to my notes.

My research workflow is hybrid: it consists both of (digital) handwritten notes and typed LaTeX notes. I like having these two options. Handwritten notes allow me to think completely freely, while taking notes in LaTeX forces me more to write down things neatly, which sometimes results in finding mistakes in the handwritten notes.

Doing a PhD in mathematics, it makes most sense to take notes in LaTeX, especially since I have a very efficient system set up already, as explained in my previous blog posts.My LaTeX notes look as follows:

This LaTeX document automatically concatenates the notes of the previous 14 days, adds the date of each note in the margin and adds a link to my handwritten notes of that day. The global directory structure looks as follows:

While seemingly simple, this was surprisingly difficult to pull off.Creating a link in a pdf that opens a local file is not hard: instead of using the , you can use run:path and this tries to open the file located at path. This is for example how the links to the handwritten notes work.

While the LaTeX notes are great for referencing later on, I also take handwritten notes using Xournal.This is where I first go to if I have ideas, and only later I turn the (possibly) interesting ones into LaTeX.

I take my handwritten notes using a Wacom drawing tablet (One by Wacom Medium).I thought about buying a tablet like Remarkable or an Android tablet, but this setup gives me most flexibility, and it is also extremely cheap compared to other approaches (especially when you use the drawing tablet of your girlfriend).

Digital notes have quite a few advantages.The page size is practically infinite, which really helps when dealing with some nasty expressions. You can assign a button on the pen to delete entire strokes at once, which makes it very easy to quickly redraw a letter or change up some symbols. These settings are not default, you can find my configuration on Github. I also disable pressure sensitivity as I find it distracts more than it does good.

I am in the process of scanning a large collection of handwritten notes. They consist of diagrams and formulae with a relatively small proportion of actual words. Of course it would be hopeless to get an OCR program to digest the diagrams or formulae, but it would be useful if I could get one to find and transcribe enough of the words to build an index. Has anyone tried this kind of thing?

This app is most well-known for its audio syncing feature, which allows you to record audio and sync it with handwritten notes while you write, but other apps like Goodnotes have caught on and added this feature, too.

To set itself apart, Notability also boasts some unique features. Multi-note support gives users the ability to open two notes and arrange them in the app for comparison or multitasking. The new Pencil tool provides the app with added versatility, allowing users to draw and sketch.

By combining multitasking tools and technologies like handwriting recognition and math conversion, Notability makes it easier than ever to take notes during classes, meetings, conferences, and everything in between.

One of the biggest differentiators between Goodnotes and other competitors is its abundance of organizational tools. By default, Goodnotes allows you to create Notebooks and store everything within them. This is a fundamental difference from a tool like Notability or Apple Notes, where your ability to organize is somewhat constrained by the software.

#alt#A screenshot picturing the LiquidText interface, including a written article on the left, along with a window allowing for the selection of multiple documents. A mind map of notes and excerpts is located on the right side of the screen.

However, where LiquidText focuses on taking handwritten notes and marking up the document (all of which is possible in MarginNote), this software also allows for clipping notes, creating flashcards or mindmaps, and building study outlines.

MarginNote also allows you to compile a single set of notes from multiple sources or files, so if you have several books in a series or several documents where you should combine notes, MarginNote makes it easy to simplify that process.

#caption#Note how the handwritten text has already been pre-converted in the upper left corner of the text box. While you can keep the text in a handwritten format, Nebo gives you a clear indication that it understood what you wrote. (Image: Nebo / Screenshot by Scott Summers / Paperlike)

Individual notes inside the Notebooks are called Cards, and they look like little (brightly colored) sticky notes. You can change the background color on every note, making it easier to visually differentiate between topics.

Another feature that sets this app apart is the ability to create a page within a page. These sub-pages can be separate notes, like a mind map of your full notes, a sticky note with key concepts or reminders, or even a full PDF document that relates to your notes.

It syncs to iCloud and even integrates with your Apple Calendar and Apple Reminders, so you can easily manage your checklists and schedule. Importing, exporting, and sharing features round out this app, making it competitive with apps like Notability and Goodnotes.

Just got another idea while writing this: Alternatively, why not collaborate with Goodnotes to import and sync Goodnotes flashcards to RemNote. This way you have all the benefits of Goodnotes when creating the handwritten flashcards and all the benefits of RemNote when reviewing them. It also seems like less work for the RemNote team overall.

Course Description: Math 5587-8 is a year course that introduces the basics of partial differentialequations, guided by applications in physics, engineering, biology, and finance. Both analyticaland numerical solution techniques will be discussed. Prerequisites: Strong background in linear algebra, multi-variable calculus, and ordinary differential equations. Some mathematical sophistication. Other topics will be introduced as needed. Basic familiarity with a programming language (Matlab preferrred) is required for numerical work.  Text: The course will be based on the professor's lecture notes, which are available at Alpha Print, 1407 4th St. SE, in Dinkytown, 612-379-8535. I intend to cover chapters 1-6 in the fall semester.

Hour Exams: There will be two midterm exams. Students will be allowed to bring one page of handwritten notes to the midterms. Make-up exams will only be given inexceptional circumstances, and then only when notice is given to me before hand anda suitable written excuse forthcoming.

Policies: No books, calculators or computers allowed onthe exam. One page (one sided) of handwritten notes allowedon the exams.Exam questions are similar to homework questions, but doable in shorteramount of time. Best way to study is to do the homework and then doas many other problems in the covered sections as possible.Material covered:Essentially everything I did in class. If I did something in class that isdifferent from the book, it may be covered onthe exam. The rub of that is of course that if I didn't cover something inclass, it will not be on the exam even if it is in one of the sections listed.Everything from study guide 1 and study guide 2.Chapter 8: Advance Counting Techniques

 8.1 Recurrence Relations

 8.2 Solving Recurrence Relationsr

 8.3 Divide and Conquer

Chapter 9: Relations

 9.1 Relations and their Properties

 9.3 Representing Relations

 9.4 Closures of Relations

 9.5 Equivalence Relations

 9.6 Partial Orders

Chapter 10: Graphs

 10.1 Introduction to Graphs

 10.2 Graph Terminology (but not bipartite graphs)

 Also graph colorings, and Euler paths


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