Technology Woven In
By Dr. Ivan Poupyrev
講演日時と場所が変更となりました.5月29日(水) 16:30 -- 17:30 工学部2号館1階213教室です.
The talk schedule and location have been changed. It will be May 29th (Wed), 16:30 -- 17:30, at Lecture Room 213, 1st floor, Eng. Bldg. 2.
We are extremely excited to have Dr. Ivan Poupyrev at UTokyo HCI Distinguished Lecture. Ivan, currently Director of Engineering in Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects, is one of the most influential innovators in the field of HCI. He was a closing keynote speaker at CHI 2019, which is a premier venue for HCI research. In this lecture, he is sharing his story and vision on designing and developing interactive technology that can be totally interwoven into out life.
東京大学にてIvan Poupyrev氏をお招きし講演していただくことになりました!現在GoogleのAdvanced Technology and ProjectsにおいてDirector of Engineeringを務めるPoupyrev氏は,HCI分野において最も影響力のある研究者の1人であります.HCIの研究分野で最も権威のある国際会議であるCHI 2019ではクロージングの基調講演も務められました.今回の講演では日常生活に溶け込むインタラクティブな技術の開発秘話と彼が目指す未来をお話しいただきます.
- Date & Time: May 29th (Wed), 16:30 -- 17:30 / 5月29日(水) 16:30 -- 17:30
May 31st (Fri), 13:00 -- 14:20 / 5月31日(金) 13:00 -- 14:20 - Location: Lecture Room 213, 1st floor, Eng. Bldg. 2.
Lecture Room 241, 4th floor, Eng. Bldg. 2,Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo / 東京大学本郷キャンパス工学部2号館1階213教室4階241教室 - Anyone (including non-UTokyo people) is welcome, but your RSVP would be appreciated because the space is limited. / 学外の方もご参加いただけますが,席に限りがあります為,事前の登録をお願いいたします.
Abstract: The digital revolution has changed every aspect of our lives, the very essence of how we live, work and play. Instead of creating an alternative cyber space parallel to our reality as it was often envisioned by techno prophets, the opposite is happening: information is no longer confined to the pixels on our screens. The entire physical world — even living and breathing matter — is being infused with data, demanding new, unprecedented forms of interactivity. You may also want to check out his recent TED talk. (なお講演は英語の予定で,翻訳サービスの用意はございませんのでご了承ください.)
Bio: Dr. Ivan Poupyrev is an award-winning technology leader, scientist and designer working at the cutting edge of interactive technologies. Over the last 20 years, he has been leading the invention, development and productization of breakthrough technologies that span a variety of fields such as VR and AR, haptic interaction, wearables and smart garments, 3D printing and novel manufacturing techniques among many others.
Ivan is currently Director of Engineering in Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects division where he leads a team focused on inventing and developing interaction technologies and products for future digital lifestyle. Prior to Google he was Principal Research Scientist at Walt Disney Research and at Sony Corporate Research laboratories.
His work has been published in leading scientific conferences such as SIGGRAPH, CHI and UIST among others; received critical acclaim in the press internationally; has been recognized with numerous awards and released on the market in commercial products. His most recent work was acquired by the Smithsonian’s Cooper Hewitt Design Museum for its permanent collection. Fast Company recognized him as one of the World’s 100 Most Creative People, describing him as “one of the world’s greatest interaction designers.”
If you are interested in attending this talk, your RSVP is appreciated. Students and researchers outside UTokyo are welcome too.
Question / 問い合わせ先: 矢谷浩司 (koji [at-mark]