
Step 6: Product

Students will write paper if assigned, represent information in a variety of ways and choose an appropriate product to share.

Share what you learned! Write about it. Create something new.

•Choose audience & presentation format.

•Plan, design, and write final products. Develop topic sentences, develop written product, use evidence to support conclusions.

•Use technology to publish work for specific audience.

'My IIM Product Page'

G-Suite Apps

[Slides, Drawings, Docs, Sheets] for note-taking, research/citing sources & product creation! Access files anytime on any device.

[Student EX.]: 'Green Mission Alternative'


Slidebooks are a way for kids to share research and develop their creativity, collaboration, communication.

[Student EX.]

provides a safe & simple publishing platform for students to share their voice with an authentic audience.Teachers can efficiently manage students' posts and comments through an easy-to-use dashboard and secure classroom blogging space. The process of pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, publishing, and commenting is foundational and Kidblog facilitates feedback and moderation throughout each stage.

Student Ex.

Book Creator

Book Creator is a versatile and intuitive app that allows students to easily create digital content!

>> Making iPad Books in Chinese Lessons

Little Bird Tales

Kids use their own art, voice, and ideas to create a digital storybook. Add text, photos, drawings and recordings online or with iPads.