International Partnership Unit (IP) UniKL MIMET is overseen by UniKL International Office (UIO). UniKL International Office (UIO) is a division of International, Industrial and Institutional Partnership (IIIP), that manages and coordinates international partnership & collaboration, exchange & mobility programme, customized & edutourism programme, as well as international visits at Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL). 

We are a ‘One Stop Centre’ for international inbound mobility students and outbound mobility students from UniKL to our partner universities abroad. UIO manages the promotion of the mobility programme to incoming and outgoing mobility students and staff; coordination of the application and placement process for outgoing and incoming mobility; preparation of documentation and visa for students and staff who participate in mobility programs; as well as assistance in getting funding for outbound mobility. 

International Student Mobility program or widely known as ISEM is a students exchange between UniKL and its partner universities. 

This program is under jurisdiction of International Partnership unit. At UniKL MIMET, the unit work closely with the Deputy Dean of International, Industrial & Institutional Partnership and reported directly to the Director of UniKL International Office (UIO).

Malaysia's First

UniKL MIMET offers industry specific maritime engineering technology programmes aimed at producing highly competent personnel for the global marine and maritime industry. First in Malaysia to have a shipyard in the campus

Internationally Recognized

The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST)

The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA)

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) 


Calling all UniKL MIMET students who seek adventurous lifestyle while experiencing foreign education and cultures

Financial Initiatives on Mobility Programs


2. Erasmus Mundus

3. Erasmus+

4. Partner university funding : Fee waiver & accommodation 

Full-Semester Academic Mobility Programme

A student is enrolled in a UniKL academic programme (taking subjects), with a minimum duration of three months (short semester) and maximum of two full semesters consecutively

Internship Mobility Programme

A student from Partner University is attached to a division/ department/ section/ unit at UniKL to perform work under the supervision of a supervisor for a minimum duration of one month

Project/ Research Mobility Programme

A student from Partner university is attached to a research project under the supervision of a project supervisor. The minimum duration of the research attachment is one month.


Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of Marine Engineering Technology (UniKL MIMET) accept all application from international exchange students all over the world to experience first class learning experience and truly Asia adventure in Malaysia

Channel all your inquiries to

Ahmad Azmeer bin Roslee (

Head of International Partnership

UniKL MIMET, Dataran Industri Teknologi Kejuruteraan Marin Bandar Teknologi Maritim Jalan Pantai Remis, 32200 Lumut, Perak 

+605-690 9000