The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv

The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

North-West territorial office of the Academy Construction of Ukraine

Higher Technical School, Cologne, Germany

Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Republic of Poland

Bragança Polytechnic Institute, Bragança, Portugal

Northern University, Varazdin, Croatia

invite you to participate in

VIII International Scientific-Practical 

Internet Conference of Young Scientists and Students


Lutsk, Ukraine

12 of May 2023

The Purpose of the Event

Identification of scientific and creative potential of young people, providing a platform for free exchange of ideas, stimulation and support scientific activities of young people, promoting their successful career start and professional growth, increase the efficiency of their independent study. Discussion of modern innovative technologies and methods of calculation in construction. Focus on energy-saving technologies and materials, ways to save energy. Energy audit of buildings and structures.

Main Topics


Iryna Vakhovych, Doctor of Economics, professor, rector of Lutsk National Technical University;

Oleksandr Andriychuk, Ph.D., Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Design of Lutsk National Technical University;

Evheniy Babych, Doctor of Technical Science, professor, head of Civil Engineering and Structures Department of National University of Water and Environmental Engineering;

Zinoviy Blikharskiy, Doctor of Technical Science, professor, head of Building Construction and Bridges Department, Director of Building and Environmental Engineering Institute of National University "Lvivska Politechnika";

Olexandr Zhuravskiy, Doctor of Technical Science, head of the Reinforced Concrete and Stone Construction Department of Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;

Yuriy Zakrevsky, Doctor of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Cologne Higher Technical School;

Yevhen Klymenko, Doctor of Technical Science, professor, vice-rector on scientific work of Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture;

Hryhoriy Masiuk, Ph.D., professor of Civil Engineering and Structures Department of National University of Water and Environmental Engineering;

Volodymyr Savenko, Ph.D., professor of Civil Engineering Organisation and Management Department of Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;

Slawomir Karas, Doctor of Engineering, Head of Road and Bridges Department of Lublin Politechnika, Poland;

Matia Oreshkovic, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Northern University, Varazdin, Croatia;

Yaroslav Pasternak, Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Science, professor of the Department of Computer Science and Cyber Security at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University;

Serhiy Pichuhin, Doctor of Technical Science, professor, Head of Metal, Wood and Plastic Construction Department of Poltava National Technical University;

Serhiy Pustiulha, Doctor of Technical Science, professor of Architecture and Design Department of Lutsk National Technical University;

Vasyl Shvabiuk, Doctor of Technical Science, professor of Technical Mechanic Department of Lutsk National Technical University.

Discussion of materials

On the website of the Internet conference in the "Abstracts of reports" section - until 12 of May 2023

Working languages of the conference: Ukrainian, English, Polish, German


Tel.: +38 (0332) 262460 - Civil Engineering Department of Lutsk National Technical University

 Tel.: +38 (050) 9242708 - Uzhehova Olha Anatoliivna (Head of Civil Engineering Department)
