March 6, 7 and 8, 2024
II Recife Summer Workshop on Differential Geometry
Recife - Pernambuco - Brazil
Since its establishment in 1968, the Postgraduate Program of the Mathematics Department at the Federal University of Pernambuco (PPGDMat/UFPE) has promoted the development of Mathematics in our state. This is evident in both the qualified training of Masters and Doctors, which is a truly effective action for improving the quality of education, and in the production of mathematical knowledge published in internationally circulated journals. Noteworthy is its significant national and international presence, as well as the active participation of PPGDMat in the establishment of mathematics departments in the northeast, consequently contributing to the scientific development of the country.
In February 2020, with a proposal to attract the attention of the scientific community to the research work carried out by the researchers of the UFPE's differential geometry group, the idea of creating an event that would contribute to the dissemination of this research and foster greater interaction between our students and researchers of the field was conceived. The result was the inception of the "Summer Workshop on Differential Geometry," held at the Department of Mathematics within the CCEN of UFPE. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was impossible to continue the event in 2021 and 2022. After the pandemic period, in March 2023, the second edition of the event was held, now named the "Recife Summer Workshop on Differential Geometry." This edition saw the active participation of researchers in the field of differential geometry and a scientific committee composed of world leaders.
Scientific Committee
Luis Alías Linares (Universidad de Murcia)
Keti Tenenblat (UnB)
Marcos Petrúcio Cavalcante (UFAL)
Paolo Piccione (USP)
Organizing Committee
Antonio de Sousa (UFPE)
Eddygledson Souza Gama (UFPE)
Fábio Reis dos Santos (UFPE)
Henrique Araujo (UFPE)
Adam Oliveira da Silva (UFPA)
Alcides de Carvalho Jr. (UFAL)
Allan George Freitas (UFPB)
Álvaro Kruger (UFRGS)
Anderson José de Lima (UFAL)
Cicero Tiarlos Nogueira Cruz (UFAL)
Elaine Sampaio de Sousa Carlos (UVA)
Eraldo Almeida Júnior (UFPB)
Ernani Ribeiro Júnior (UFC)
Flavio Franca Cruz (URCA)
Francisco Martín (Universidad de Granada)
Márcio Batista (UFAL)
Marco Antonio Velasquéz (UFCG)
Niels Møller (University of Copenhagen)
Sylvia Ferreira da Silva (UFRPE)
Registration and Important Dates
DEC 04 - MAR 04
Free registration.
JAN 01 - FEB 20
Abstract submission has reopened for poster presentations. If you want to present your work, please submit your abstract by February 10th.
Up to FEB 22
For submissions are sent until February 20th.
The main activities will be held at the Auditorium Professor Ricardo de Carvalho Ferreira of CCEN-UFPE, Recife, PE, Brazi
Questions? Feel free to contact us!