"EdgeAI: Edge AI Technologies for Optimised Performance Embedded Processing"  : https://edge-ai-tech.eu/ 

The EdgeAI project is a European project funded by the KDT-JU Research and Innovation Actions (RIA), which aims at ensuring that Europe has the necessary tools, skills, and technologies to strengthen its edge AI design and development capabilities. By enhancing AI-based electronic components and systems, edge processing platforms, AI frameworks and middleware, and methodologies, the project supports the development of edge AI vertical solutions. For these edge AI vertical solutions to advance in security, trust, and energy efficiency across infrastructure and industrial sectors in Europe and democratize the deployment of AI across ever-larger segments of EU R&D and industry. The objectives if EdgeAI are shown in the figure below

"RESIST: Robustness and Ethics of Intelligent Surveillance Systems"  We  explore Security, privacy and Ethics of Machine Learning applied to Video-surveillance systems. The kick-off is planned for November 2021. RESIST is funded by Region Hauts-de-France and the partners are: Luxant Innovation, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-france and Université de Lille. 

This project involves researchers from Humanities and Computer Science in a collaborative manner towards building secure, privacy-preserving and ethical intelligent systems. 

ANVI: Industrial Chair on « Neuromorphic Architectures for Videoprotection»

The objective of the Chair is to make a scientific and technological progress in information processing by neuromorphic architectures as an embedded AI. The use-case study will come from video protection in the context of retail and transportation domains.

Period: 2021-2025,

Budget: 1.46 M€, 

Metropole Européenne de Lille, Luxant Innovation (company). 

Website: https://chaire-luxant-anvi.univ-lille.fr/