
Imagine this. 

You’re sitting in the middle of the football field as the sun sets behind you. You patiently watch each person of your graduating class walk across the stage and when it’s your turn, you shake hands with someone you’ll never meet again. While holding an empty folder, you look back at the vast array of fake green grass, staring back at your fellow seniors, family, and friends on the bleachers. You’re finally done! 

But that’s the end of senior year. That might be you in a couple of years or at the end of next semester and we hope you’re headed there. In between now and that moment, there are years that you have to fill with school rallies, spirit weeks, sports, club activities, and even falling asleep in class.

Every activity on campus can be found here on the IHS Activities page, and we encourage you take some of your free time to explore the diversity of our campus this year. Join a club or a sport, take a shot at class office and whatever you do,  don’t leave high school with regrets or sorrows. 

Find your best you in your youth and grow as you go! See you around! <3