You do not have enough storage space on your computer ? Want to store your data without the hassle of an external hard drive, a PC or a USB flash drive? Want to be able to access this data by having a simple access to Internet and from any workstation, PC, Tablet, Android, phone?

Then the Cloud service is the solution, it will allow you to archive up to 25 gigabytes and for free!

Google Drive

Installation: This is an application to install on your computer.

Use: Store, share and edit files directly from the cloud (integrated office suite)

Storage: 15 Gigabytes free

Automatic synchronization from your computer to the remote server

Phone: find GoogleDrive on your phones for Android and iOS

Limit: The limit of a file is set to 10 GB

Link : Google Drive


Installation: This is an application to install on your computer.

Use: Store, share and edit files directly from the cloud

Storage: 2 GB free, up to 10 GB if you are sponsored. Paid packs are offered, up to 100 gigabytes.

Phone: find Dropbox on your phones for Android and iOS

Link : Dropbox


This service is offered by a French website hosting company: OVH

Installation: No installation required because the system can be used either through a web browser or through software.

Storage: 25 GB free

Phone: find Hubic on your phones for Android and iOS

Link : HubiC


This Microsoft service is similar to Google Drive.

Installation: No installation required because the system can be used either through a web browser or through software. However synchronization is much faster and more efficient with the downloaded software.

Lite desktop applications are integrated in the service

Storage: 15 GB free

Phone: find OneDrive on your phones for Android and iOS

Link : OneDrive


Storage: 10 GB free, up to 20 GB if you are sponsored

Use : Share: a person who does not use pCloud can send you a file.

Security: pCloud allows the encryption of your data by encrypting your files, this makes them readable only by you: thanks to the “Crypto” folder.

Phone: find Onedrive on your phones for Android and iOS

Link : pCloud