About Pécs



Pécs is an important cultural center of the South Transdanubian region with rich historical heritage. The city is located in the south part of the country, 200 km away from Budapest in the Hills of Mecsek Mountains. Popular slogans usually refer to the city as a “Mediterranean City”, “Gate of the Balkan” or “The Borderless City” because of its location. The city was awarded with the European Capital of Culture prize in 2010 and with the UNESCO world heritage prize as well. It has 145,985 inhabitants (2015) which means that this is the 5th largest city in Hungary.


In the history of Pécs there are many prosperous periods, when Pécs went through a flourishing transformation. The first prosperous period was the Roman Ages. The city was called Sopianae at that time and it was an important administrative center in the province of Pannonia. In the Middle age, it was a Christian city where the built infrastructure served a religious purpose. The city center was located in the north‐west of the recent city center. In the 11th century, the Hungarian King Stephen founded a bishopric here so the city’s importance grew. In 1367 the first Hungarian university was founded in Pécs. Three centuries later, Pécs was part of the Ottoman Empire which transformed the city’s built environment and the society as well. Nowadays visitors can see traces of this period in the several building (e.g. mosques). After the Ottoman rule, the next important era, which influenced the cityscape, was when the city’s industry started to rise. In the 19th century manufacturers from Pécs had become quite famous not only in the region but in the whole Europe as well. After the two world wars, in the socialist era, there was rapid industrialization (uranium mines). The main consequences were population growth, appearing huge residential areas and the expansion of the city to the west and south. After the changes in the political system, the mines were closed and the city has become a post‐industrial city. In 2010 this was the first city in Hungary which got the European Capital of Culture prize and infrastructural developments occurred at some points of the city.


Pécs is now usually referred as a university city with a significant dominance of the tertiary sector. The largest employer is the University of Pécs (UP) with approximately 20,000 students (this number was even higher but after the 2010 fallback, the number of 34,000 started to decline).

The city is an important transportation node between the south part of Hungary and north Croatia. Pécs has a multicultural society with Croatians, Swabians and the nearly 4,000 temporary international students. Unfavorable trends in recent years are population decline and the lack of a remarkable transnational company on the economic side.

MUST SEE’S in pécs

1. Széchenyi Square with Király and Museum Street

Széchenyi Square with Király and Museum Street for discovering the cityscape and eating out. This is the most important square in the city centre where the inhabitants and tourists are concentrated. The north part of the square Dzsámi used to be a mosque. Most restaurants are located in the pedestrian street (Király Street).

2. Kodály Centre

Kodály Centre for discovering new cultural infrastructure The centre has one of the largest building which was specially built for the ECC2010. Many concerts take place in the centre which is located in the southeast part of the city centre.

More information: http://www.kodalykozpont.hu/index.php?a=az_epuletrol&nyelv=english

3. Zsolnay Quartier

Zsolnay Quartier for discovering the largest ECC2010 project and the history of the Zsolnay family. The area of Zsolnay factory has been revitalized under the European Capital of Culture Program in 5‐hectare. It has a diverse cultural infrastructure with museums, exhibition halls, a university theatre, craft shops, Pécs Gallery and concert hall.

For more Information: http://www.zsolnaynegyed.hu/index.php?nyelv=english

4. Cella Septichora and the Cathedral

Cella Septichora and the Cathedral for discovering the early Christian heritage. In this place, you can visit the former Christian cemetery, which is on the UNESCO world heritage list. The visitor center is well equipped, official tours are available here.

For more information: https://pecsiegyhazmegye.hu/en/


5. Tettye and its surroundings

Tettye and its surroundings for discovering the green environment. This place is the main recreational area of the city. This is one of the lowest point of the city where visitors can enjoy city view and nature as well.

For more information: http://kirandulastippek.hu/pecs‐baranya/tettye‐havi‐hegy

6. TV tower and its surroundings

TV tower and its surroundings for discovering the city view and the Mecsek Mountains. Most of the people who visit Pécs don’t skip to go up to the TV tower which can be seen from the most part of the city. Especially in good weather conditions, not only the city but the Lake Balaton also can be seen from the top of the tower. In addition, the tower has LED lighting so it is also spectacular in the dark as well. (Practical information: you can go by public transportation – buses – or car to the tower, where you have to pay a fee if you want to go to the top with elevator).

For more information: http://www.tvtoronypecs.hu/