On Windows 10, when I log into the 1Password desktop app, my Chrome browser extension unlocks at the same time. However, when I login to the desktop app on Ubuntu Linux, my Firefox browser extension does not unlock... I have to login separately, which is not convenient. Suggestions for me?

Is the Firefox app installed on your Linux machine the one that's installed by default with Ubuntu 22.04? The reason I ask is that such default installations are packaged using Snap, which sandboxes Firefox and would prevent any browser extensions (like ours) from communicating out to a desktop app like 1Password for Linux. If you're using the default Firefox installation, I think that's the most likely cause for this issue.

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@AliH1P The install went fine, but when I used the old toolbar icon for Firefox, it kept on launching the Snap install, then I realized I had to abandon that old icon. Everything was fresh, so I put in 1Password extension, reimport my bookmarks, logged into all accounts, and we'll see how it behaves. If you don't hear anything more, it worked. If it fails, to work like Microsoft Windows 10, I'll come back.

@AliH1P well, unlocking the Linux app does not unlock the Firefox extension, and Firefox application binary is in /opt/firefox/firefox-bin. I could just set the extension to never autolock... is that a good idea? What is a security best practice?

@Peter_Wang, have you added the location of your Mozilla build of Firefox to /etc/1password/custom_allowed_browsers? I had to create that directory and file manually from the terminal with sudo mkdir -v /etc/1password; sudoedit /etc/1password/custom_allowed_browsers and place the path to the binary executable for Vivaldi Snapshot on its own line in that file before the browser extension was able to communicate with the 1Password app. At the time I thought to understand that doing so would be necessary for all non-default browser installations which is why I mention it here, though it's possible I misunderstood. Hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck, from one Peter to another. ?

Hello, I am seeing the issue come up again... I have to enter my master password in the 1Password application and the Firefox extension separately. This is Ubuntu Linux. sudo chown -R root:root /opt/firefox is not resolving it. I closed Firefox 114.0 and 1Password 8.10.7 before running chown. Any ideas?

Then I restarted AppArmor with systemctl restart apparmor and now the 1Password Firefox extension unlocks when I unlock the desktop app and vice versa. Solution inspired by -browser/wiki/Troubleshooting-guide#6-apparmor-with-ubuntu

I've got two machines with preferably the same configuration, but one is freshly installed, so it's not exactly the same (yet).

For one, the connection between the Linux app and the Firefox extension works fine, for the other it doesn't. I use the same firefox versions, the same 1Password versions, and the same Linux/Debian versions.

Do you have any pointers on what the issue might be? Cheers! Below you can find the different output for the two machines:

Hey @AliH1P , we managed to resolve the issue! I had tried setting the custom_allowed_browsers file in /opt/1Password/resources/ , however, that seems to be not used. When I inserted 'firefox-trunk' in /etc/1password/new custom_allowerd_browsers , as per @FrankyO1P 's instructions, it resolved my issue.

FYI, I did not install Firefox via Snap. Importantly, I installed Firefox daily from a Ubuntu ppa, which has a binary name of firefox-trunk. Your binary name might be different, so this needs to be changed in the following.

Any ideas on how this can be fixed? I remember reading something a while back that said to update a setting in firefox somewhere and it worked, but I have a new computer now and can't remember what it was...

Hi, I'm having this exact same problem. Can you describe how you fixed it? What I've tried so far is uninstalling and reinstalling the Firefox extension but it still loads different information. Specifically what I'm seeing is that for some sites it has a different password stored and it also shows password that I have already deleted from the 1Password app.

Let's try completely removing and reinstalling the Firefox extension. Other browsers handle the removal of the SQLite file automatically when you remove the extension, but you will need to do this manually for Firefox:

Hello everybody, just came back from a lengthy stay at the hospital, and finally able to use my computer again. Now that i have been away for some months i noticed that my 1Password firefox extension (3.9.20) is not syncing with the 4.1.2 1 Password desktop version. I have approx. >100 passwords, that are all in the extension, but not in the main 4.1.2 agilekeychain file. I need to update the Firefox extension, but before i can do that i need to transfer the passwords, that are saved in the firefox extension to the agilekeychain file. When i open my firefox extension i cannot find an option to manually sync or similar. Has anybody had the same issue or knows how to resolve this? I really appreciate any help and suggestions.

Thanks Simon

hello, i have a similar issue. Firefox told me to update the extension of 1 password, as i currently am using Version 3.9.20 in the extension. but the Client app is already 4.1.2 (i know i need to update both :-). Anyways...i have >100 passwords in my firefox extension, that do not appear in the client app. however, if i do logins with safari and chrome, these appear in the client app, but none of the logins i created in firefox. i wonder where these firefox extenion logins are stored so i can get them to the main client app. I am afraid to loose all the passwords if i just delete the extension, or am i mystaken? are the logins also saved in the SQLlite file? Thanks for any solution in advance. i really appreciate any help. Cheers, Simon

The version 3 browser extension is not able to sync with the version 4 main app, so you will need to install 1Password 3. Then, the data will then sync between the version 3 extension and the version 3 app. You can point 1Password 3 to the same .agilekeychain file being used by 1Password 4, so the changes will be synced there as well.

I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble here! Unfortunately, because the extension has been completely re-written between version 3 and version 4, the extension for 1Password 3 is unable to communicate with the main app in 1Password 4. If you do have Logins stored in the version 3 extension that are not in the main app, you will need to copy the details out of the extension manually and save them into 1Password 4. I know this isn't exactly the answer that you wanted to hear, but there is no way to export these details automatically.

I do apologize for the inconvenience - one of the main reasons that we re-wrote the version 4 extension was to ensure that the main app and the extension were always using the same database, to avoid situations like this where the extension could be hoarding data and not passing it along to the main app's database.

Once you have copied your Login details from the version 3 extension, please make sure that you uninstall 1Password 3 browser extensions and install the 1Password 4 browser extension. :)

I'm so sorry to about this. Unfortunately, the problem with the version 3 extensions was that there was the potential for data to be stored only within the extension. If you have deleted the extension, then any password data that it had stored would be gone as well. I know this is not what you wanted to hear, but the good news is that this problem will not reoccur once you are up to date 1Password 4 in all your browser extensions. :)

Hi. I just upgraded from 1Password 4 to 7 but purchased a standalone licence. I typicaly use Firefox as my browser but when I've installed the extension, it doesn't link with my existing installation, it asks me to sign in to my 1password account/subscription -- which I don't have. Is my standalone licence not compatible with Firefox?

Edit: I actually did get this to work. I completely deleted version 8 of the desktop app, reinstalled the Firefox extension, and it worked right away. Really does seem like the version 8 rollout has some major issues.

I have downloaded the new V8 1password app on my Samsung phone. the app is there and working. Your get started link to download the extension app just takes me back to the 1password 8 app on play store which is already installed. I have tried going to your recommended website 1password.com/extennsions (or whatever it was), but I get nowhere. 

There is no icon on Firefox showing the extension is working, and indeed, it is not working. I have updated my phone and every app on it as of today, so everything is up to date as of 23 sept 2022. Same is true for my Samsung Galaxy tablet.

I could use some help!

Firefox on mobile devices doesn't support extensions, and there are currently no supported browsers on Android that do, so you can use Android's built-in autofill system with your 1Password data by setting it up as per the instructions here:

Hi @SAMfrustrated, I'm sorry to hear you're no longer interested in using 1Password. 1Password for Android does fill and save in Firefox as well as apps and other browser. On an Android device, filling happens with the Autofill service built into the app rather than filling from an extensions. If you have any questions or would like any assistance getting started, we would be happy to lend a hand!

1Password for Safari is our new web extension where 1Password itself handles all of the filling. This allows us to fill more types of items that are not supported by Password AutoFill such as Credit Card items and Identity items because the filling is done by 1Password itself.

The switch went great and everything worked well. Then, about 4 or so weeks ago the Firefox extension for 1Password just stopped working. Clicking on the extension icon did nothing and selecting login fields on webpages no longer showed 1Password suggestions. ff782bc1db

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