CALIFA DR3 sample

The sample of CALIFA galaxies used in Zinchenko et al. 2018 can be found here.

The data format is:

  • name of a galaxy
  • adopted distance in Mpc
  • inclination
  • PA
  • bar classification (A/AB/B)
  • maximal value of the Fourier amplitude A2.
  • oxygen abundance gradient [dex/R25] obtained for galactocentric distance R < R25
  • error of the oxygen abundance gradient [dex/R25] obtained for galactocentric distance R < R25
  • oxygen abundance gradient [dex/R25] obtained for galactocentric distance R < 0.25 R25
  • error of the oxygen abundance gradient [dex/R25] obtained for galactocentric distance R < 0.25 R25
  • oxygen abundance gradient [dex/R25] obtained for galactocentric distance 0.25 R25 < R < R25
  • error of the oxygen abundance gradient [dex/R25] obtained for galactocentric distance 0.25 R25 < R < R25

This section contains the derived ellipticity e and position angle of the major axis PA for 346 galaxies from CALIFA DR3 sample. The ellipticity and position angle are estimated from the analysis of the surface brightness image in the r band of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We apply GALFIT code (Peng et al. 2002, Peng et al. 2010) to fit the image of each galaxy with 2D Sersic and exponential profiles. For the majority of galaxies e and PA of the exponential profile have been adopted as e and PA of the galaxy. However, in the case of unreliable fit of exponential profile e and PA of Sersic profile have been adopted as e and PA of galaxy. The table can be found here.

Acknowledgements. All data on this page are free, but please cite the papers listed below: