🛠️Scene Loader

Show a scrollable list of Scenes (assignable by the user) that allow a fast load of Scenes, single or additive. If there is a not saved scene, a DisplayBlock will be shown asking to save the scene before removing it. Useful in every single project, a time saver of searching for the scenes in the project folder.

🛠️Unity + ChatGPT

Use the power of ChatGPT as a code assistance. Assign a Unity script and ask for improvements, comments or cleaning. Also can ask for custom tasks, everything from inside Unity. Check my post on Linkedin.

🛠️Code Editor inside Unity

A simple text editor that can be opened by selecting scripts with right-click, allowing to edit the text fastly, perform undo and redo, restore the last state, save and compile.

🛠️Install Build On Android

Install an AAB or APK direct on a connected mobile device through USB without the need of using the Build and Run option, or passing the build to the phone.

🛠️Animation Previewer

Select any animator in the scene and add animations to preview how they will be played, everything in edit mode. Click in Create Prefab to create a new prefab asset in the pose.

Created during the development of Plagued Memories, the VFX team was having some difficulty identifying the right timing, position, and size of the effects used together with the character's animation. So I presented this tool, allowing them to test directly on the character, playing animations and setting poses as they wanted (in edit mode), at the same time they play the effects, adjusting sizes, formats, and timings.


Builder allows creating sequentially Preseted Builds, that can be re-used and updated as needed. It allows the creation of as many builds as needed with one click and is possible to launch them (or close them) as well.

I created it to help the team fast iterate in creating builds for a multiplayer game. Each time we needed to build a Client, change the settings to Server and build again. Now, both execute with one click.

🛠️Reference Finder

The tool was created to identify if an asset (model, script, etc.) is referenced by another asset or scene, so is possible to see if it's being used or not, and, as an example, find what can be removed from the project.

This implementation helped me understand more about GUIDs and Local IDs, but later I discovered this super-refined free asset with the same idea: ReferenceFinder.

🛠️Fast Play Mode

Enter PlayMode almost instantaneously by disabling the Domain Reload, keeping the reset time to before the play.

When entering PlayMode, Unity "resets", executing the Domain Reload, which takes a huge time. The idea here is to invert the Unity process. Instead of resetting at the start, we enter PlayMode and when exiting, it forces Unity to reset.

🛠️Perlin Noise Generator for Unity

Create a totally configurable Perlin Noise Image inside Unity. A .png texture is created at the chosen path.

🛠️Animation Tween

Add this component to any game object and create an animation in position, rotation, or scale using custom curves for each axis.

🛠️Localization Manager for Unity

Easy and extensible text localization system for as many languages ​​as desired. Can open or generate, read and write a .csv document.

Use Localization Components to TextMeshPro components and Images components, to make them localized.


📄 Linkedin.com

📩 igorindev@gmail.com

📱 +55 (31) 992875695