Symposium Schedule

9:00-10:20  Honoring the life and career of Igor Dawid

Brief presentations from NICHD Scientific Director Chris McBain, NICHD Senior Investigator Keiko Ozato Dawid, and selected former trainees and colleagues including Alan Hinnebusch, Eric Long, Alan Schechter, Michael Tsang, Neil Hukreide, Ajay Chitnis, Robert Crouch, Mizuki Azuma, Raymond Habas, Michael Rebagliati, Joseph Breen, and Reiko Toyama.

10:20-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Scientific Session I

Mary Mullins, University of Pennsylvania.  “Dorsal Axial Organizer Repression by Integrator Complex Subunit 6”

Lilianna Solnica Krezel, Washington University.  “Then and now of axial mesoderm formation in zebrafish”

Sally Moody, George Washington University.  “In search of candidate genes for Branchio-oto-renal syndrome”

12:30-1:30   Lunch on Your Own

1:30-3:00      Scientific Session II

Jean-Pierre Saint-Jeannet, New York University.  “Factors regulating neural crest and cranial placode development”

Judith Eisen, University of Oregon.  “From Guts to Brains”

Masanori Taira, Chuo University.  “Versatile Utilities of Xenopus: From Molecular Biology to Embryology and Genomics”

3:00-3:30      Coffee Break

3:30-5:00      Scientific Session III

Jeffrey Farrell, NICHD.  “Cell states and cell fates during zebrafish development”

Brant Weinstein, NICHD.  “A long fishing trip to understand vascular patterning and development"

Carl Wu, Johns Hopkins University.  “The biogenesis and regulatory dynamics of chromatin accessibility for gene expression”